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wild goose festival

Blessed are the Peacemakers

By 2015 Contributor

We are happy to announce the 2015 Wild Goose Festival Theme: Blessed are the Peacemakers.

From Ferguson to Pakistan, 2014 was a year full of angst and strife around the world and in our communities. When we gather this summer we want to reaffirm our place in the world as people of peace. As we plan Wild Goose for 2015 we are hoping to present a variety of speakers and offerings that will encourage and support us in our vocation as peacemakers.

While we’re still going to cover a wide range of topics at the Wild Goose, the focus of our being together will be on bringing peace to the world. In addition to the inspiring speakers, music and art Wild Goose is known for, we are excited to tell you that we are also going to incorporate more worship experiences this year.

With this theme announcement, we are opening the submission process for volunteer contributors. If you are interested in submitting an idea for a worship experience, talk, performance or art exhibit at the 2015 festival, please fill out our Contributor Submission Form by Saturday, February 28th.

blessed are the peacemakers wild goose festival

progressive christian festival

Grateful Geese

By 2015 Festival, Goose News

Many thanks to everyone who purchased “Grateful Goose” tickets and who entered the #gratefulgoose contest on Facebook and twitter. We’ve posted some of the entries below. It warms our hearts to hear about the ways the Wild Goose touches folks. Congratulations to contest winner Shawn Blackwelder! Stay tuned for details on our Christmas ticket special!
progressive christian festival

Grateful Goose Contest Entries:

Thankful for creative ideas and actions in one playful place.

I am grateful to the Wild Goose Festival because it opens up my mind and heart to new ideas and people.

Thankful for a place where I don’t have to explain why injustice breaks my heart.

Grateful for creative, passionate,  generous, loving people.

I am thankful for the work and education about intersectionality, racism, and the welcoming community to LGBT at the Wild Goose Festival.

Every summer I am grateful to hang out with my awesome friends at Wild Goose Fest and I can’t wait to do it again next year!

Thankful for community of faith thinking and playing together.

We are thankful for the blessing of inclusion and the wonderful justice oriented community experienced Wild Goose Fest. – Eastside United

I’m grateful for the friends–new and old–from the Wild Goose Festival who have given me a sense of what Christian community can be like, and I’m always looking forward to the next time we gather.

Wild Goose Fest is a creative and innovative space to hear the stories of Kingdom work and find renewal. For that I’m thankful.

I’m grateful to Wild Goose Festival for brilliant ideas and art that challenge and inspire deeper Christian spirituality.





2015 Dates! Ticket Special! Contest!

By 2015 Festival

Wild Goose Festival 2015We are pleased to be able to announce that the 2015 Festival will be held July 9 – 12!

To celebrate, we’re offering a Grateful Goose Special with discounted tickets through midnight on Thanksgiving. These tickets are the lowest price you can get, as the discounts we may offer will keep getting smaller as the festival gets closer. So grab your tickets today!

A chance to win tickets…

We also invite you to participate in our Grateful Goose Contest. To enter, post something you are grateful for about the Wild Goose Festival with the hashtag #gratefulgoose on Facebook or twitter (with a link to our page or handle) and you could win 2 tickets to the 2015 festival.

You can give the tickets to friends, or we can give you a refund if you’ve already purchased tickets. The deadline to enter is midnight on Thanksgiving. The winner will be announced on December 1st. Good luck!

We hope to see you in Hot Springs next July for another joyful and transformative festival!

A Call to Our Friends

By Goose News

Dear friend,

rosa lee hardenSomething truly extraordinary occurred in Hot Springs, North Carolina before the start of the festival this summer.  I had gathered with a group of volunteers who had come to prepare the site for Wild Goose. One of our co-founders, Mike King, welcomed them and asked them to share their stories, stories of why they had come, why they were willing to work so hard for the festival and what the Wild Goose meant to them.

An epiphany occurred in me as I listened to these dear folks share their stories.  They were amazing stories of transformation, stories of pain, stories of miracles, stories of restoration and hope. True to the theme of the festival, all of these stories from this Wild Goose flock were stories of liberation. More than ever, I sensed the critical need and importance of the Wild Goose. 

I heard the story of an elderly pastor, who had lost hope for the future of the church. He shared how his adult daughter had convinced him to come to the Wild Goose because “what’s happening there is something that you’ve dreamed about and now it’s a reality.” He talked about how through the Wild Goose his hope had been restored for the future of the church and faith. His enthusiasm was contagious.

I listened to a woman who told the story about herself and her husband. She described how they were good and faithful church members until her husband revealed that he was gay but committed to stay in the marriage. The church not only forced him out but also told her she would have to go unless she divorced him. Through tears she recalled how that same church had provided the setting for her to declare, “until death do us part.” “I made that vow and could not renounce it.” Her church threw her out. “Thank God, I have a home here at the Wild Goose.”

A twenty-something man with a strong British accent described how he was on a “find myself” tour of the U.S. when he encountered a youth group who befriended him while they were on the way to the festival. “The youth pastor invited me to continue my search by coming with them to the Wild Goose. Here I am and I can sense that what is happening here will profoundly impact my life.”

Person after person described how the Wild Goose Festival had become a spiritual home for them and the community had become family. Others described how Wild Goose had literally saved their lives and brought them from despair to hope. An African American woman expressed how the Wild Goose was tearing down walls of division and could help change the landscape of civil discourse in the USA.

These stories were all shared before the festival had even officially started. The stories of liberation and transformation continued to flow throughout our time together in Hot Springs, NC like the powerful French Broad river that runs through our site.  And the stories of Wild Goose continue on year round because the Wild Goose is not just a festival. The life-giving transformation emerging from the Wild Goose is not only about an event. The Wild Goose soars on year round and creates emergent dynamics that fuel the imaginations of those who love gathering at the intersection of spirituality, justice, mercy, friendship and beauty. I run into people all over the country who identify themselves as a part of the Wild Goose Family and they carry on the passion of our shared story.

This is why it is so important for the Wild Goose to continue to soar and gain altitude. This is the reason I’m writing you right now because the Wild Goose is at a critical juncture. I believe this is an historic time for Wild Goose. This is the time to broaden the impact and become accessible to more people who will discover the Wild Goose community. We must add some key staff positions that will help to take the festival to the next level. We need to create infrastructure to facilitate the reality that Wild Goose is more of a movement than a one-off event. We cannot do this without your help. We need your passion. We need your support and energy. We need you to spread the Wild Goose story.

The few months after the festival are always the most difficult financially. When we really need to ramp up the work for the next festival we find ourselves in a cash flow lull. When we are aware of opportunities to take the festival to the next level and fuel the dynamic of Wild Goose as a movement we are hindered because of the lack of financial resources. Will you please consider a generous and sacrificial gift right now for Wild Goose? Without an influx of financial help right now we are grounded instead of soaring.

I have served as the Director and Producer of Wild Goose for about a year and a half. In that time I have come to believe that Wild Goose has the potential of changing the civil and religious landscape in North America. I often meet people who have never even been to the Wild Goose and they tell me, “We need the Wild Goose so desperately in our country, please keep it going and growing.”

We have rarely asked so directly, outside of the festival context, for your financial support but today we really need you. We want the Wild Goose festival to grow. We want the movement to gain momentum. We are talking about smaller Wild Goose gatherings throughout the year with one possibility that is on the radar being an Urban Goose in the Spring, and another being more organized House Goose events. We want to find ways for our Wild Goose community spread throughout the country to gather more than just once a year. Let’s do this together.

Some good friends of the Wild Goose at key times in our development and evolution have made sacrificial gifts to help Wild Goose exist. Now is the time for our broader community to kick in and together fuel this beautiful thing called Wild Goose into the future.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


rosa lee signature copy



P.S. We really need to hear from our friends. Please take some time to consider what you can do to help financially, by going to to make a gift. Thank you for passionately embracing the Wild Goose.

wild goose closing


Wild Goose Blog Posts

By 2014 Festival

One of the great things about the Wild Goose Festival is that it continues to inspire reflection and conversation long after the last tent is packed up. Many of you have shared your Wild Goose experience on your blogs, and they have been a delight to read. What a wonderful range of perspectives, transformative moments and insights! Below are excerpts from two blog posts, with links to the full post. Click the link at the bottom of this post for more #wildgoose14 blogs.

“When you’re in the muddy woods without internet or a real shower for four days together, hanging out with preachers, teachers, healers, theologians, families, singles, drag queens, folk singers, fireflies, children splashing in mud puddles, rockstars, and everyday awesome folk who care about the future of the planet and all who inhabit it … well, it’s pretty much a little taste of Heaven if you ask me.” – Wild Christianity at the Wild Goose Festival by Debra Arca, Patheos

“I looked up and into the faces of those in the circle that began forming near me and saw love. I saw Black, White, Native American, Asian and Latino. I saw tattoos, dreadlocks, up-dos, shaved heads, piercings, face paint, costumes and drag. I saw gay, straight, lesbian, transgender, allies, parents, children, teenagers, elders and young adults. I saw every shape, every size. I saw myself. I saw a work of art. I experienced the Wild Goose Festival.”
Wild Goose Festival 2014 by Cortina Caldwell, Visit & Venture

Click here for more blog post excerpts and links. 

photo by april fiet

Loose Goose Ticket Special!

By 2015 Festival

leslie council setIt has been so wonderful hearing from folks who had such transformative experiences at Wild Goose this year. This excitement has us looking towards 2015, when we will once again gather in Hot Springs. 

Because of our enthusiasm for next year, we are offering a Loose Goose Ticket Special for a limited number of people. We’re calling this “Loose Goose” as we have not set our 2015 dates yet. Take a chance! (You will have the opportunity to get a refund if the 2015 dates don’t work for you.) Loose Goose ticket buyers will be the first to hear the festival dates and will get special updates on festival plans. 

With this special, you can get a full weekend pass for $149, as compared to our regular rate of $299. Children 12 years and under are free. Youth and students are eligible for special ticket prices.

Quantities are limited, so act today!


Photo of Leslie Council and ‘Em by J. Clarkson.

Thank You!

By 2014 Festival

It is impossible to express the gratitude we have for everyone who made this year’s festival the profound experience it was. We look forward to continuing the conversations that were started at the festival throughout the year. Stay tuned for stories, photos and videos from this year’s amazing festival, as well as opportunities to stay connected all year round!

wild goose festival living liberation

Living Liberation!

By 2014 Festival

Some thoughts on this year’s theme, Living Liberation!

melvin bray 2The Wild Goose Festival has been a fresh public expression of what it means to follow GOD in the way of Jesus. Our “love your neighbor” faith commitments challenge tendencies toward racism, sexism, classism and homophobia. Each year we’ve taken steps to be further transformed.

This year’s theme, Living Liberation!, manifests as the next natural step on this road of transformation. We do not believe it is by chance that it comes to us on the 50th anniversary of Freedom Summer. Nor is it happenstance that the Wild Goose celebration of faith, justice, music and the arts should find its home in a state whose citizens are this year defying age-old divisions to chart a course Forward Together in pursuit of  justice for all. Nor is it lost on us that this is an election year in which the freedoms of many are demanding to be finally guaranteed. A Christian conversation about the gospel call to liberation couldn’t be more timely.

Living Liberation! also reflects the desire for the festival to be culturally accessible to an ever broadening audience. In order to do so, we knew we had to expand the conversation of the festival to include topics of importance to communities that have yet to reach critical mass at the festival. We began by pulling together a planning team that embodies the diversity the festival seeks as a hallmark. That alone brought to the forefront an array of speakers, topics, programming possibilities and strategic partnerships not previously on our radar, which we’ve pursued with vigor.

We have since been thoughtful about how best to tell the story of liberation as we’ve organized the festival. Living Liberation! simply means “learning to live in beloved community.” However, the particular articulation chosen emphasizes that beloved community is not possible without both a theological and political imperative toward liberation from all oppression as the basis of that community.

So it is our hope each day this year, beginning with a festival-wide morning conversation at Main Stage, to explore the inexplicable bond between community and liberation, so as to learn how we might better participate in both, and thereby make the beloved community of which the best among us have dreamed possible.

By Board Member and Program Director Melvin Bray


Wild Goose TV Video Booth

By 2014 Festival, Goose News

“What’s Your Story?!?” We encourage you to stop by the Wild Goose TV video booth during the festival. Our goal is to capture and share the voices of our community, we hope yours will be one of them. This short video from Rick Meredith shows what you can expect:

Preparing for the Wild Goose

By 2014 Festival, Goose News

The festival is almost here! We hope you are as excited as we are! To help you prepare, we’ve compiled some logistical information: Click here to read.  And the Wild Goose Invitation will guide everything we do, so we encourage you to read it if you haven’t yet.

As you plan what you want to see and do next weekend, you can read over our program book. It is full of a wonderful abundance of offerings. Read it here: WGF_2014_Program

A few thoughts on the 2014 Theme: Living Liberation!
We want to live in a world that is set free from the bonds that have been placed on us and the bonds we place on others. We want to be free from the barriers of discrimination that keep us from living as one body. This year, the Wild Goose invites you to celebrate a new way of life.

Please let us know if you have ANY questions by emailing [email protected].




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