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“Wild Goose is the ‘Love Your Neighbor’ Festival.’” – Karla Yaconelli

Click here to see “Wild Goose TV” video interviews from 2014.
singing at wild goose

Here are excerpts and links to blog posts about Wild Goose 2014:

“When you’re in the muddy woods without internet or a real shower for four days together, hanging out with preachers, teachers, healers, theologians, families, singles, drag queens, folk singers, fireflies, children splashing in mud puddles, rockstars, and everyday awesome folk who care about the future of the planet and all who inhabit it … well, it’s pretty much a little taste of Heaven if you ask me.” – Wild Christianity at the Wild Goose Festival by Debra Arca, Patheos

“I looked up and into the faces of those in the circle that began forming near me and saw love. I saw Black, White, Native American, Asian and Latino. I saw tattoos, dreadlocks, up-dos, shaved heads, piercings, face paint, costumes and drag. I saw gay, straight, lesbian, transgender, allies, parents, children, teenagers, elders and young adults. I saw every shape, every size. I saw myself. I saw a work of art. I experienced the Wild Goose Festival.”
Wild Goose Festival 2014 by Cortina Caldwell, Visit & Venture

“…the Wild Goose is great at making you see faith congruities. That you can be a Christian and support full gay rights, and embrace spiritual traditions from other faiths to help you commune with God, and be comfortable with a faith that isn’t nailed down by black and white doctrine, and be committed to justice and peace in significant personal ways. Not all, maybe not any, but you’ll find a personal story here that shows the handprint of God as others struggle with these and many other stumbling blocks.”
Wild Goose is the Celebration of “And” by Paul Stanley, A Deliberate Life

“Wild Goose Festival is an experience. It is an alternate civilization. It is a spontaneous community. It is completely unlike anything I have experienced before.”
Snapshots of Wild Goose 2014 by April Fiet, At the Table with April Fiet

“At Wild Goose I was free to be who I was at that moment. I was transparent, exposed, and vulnerable. I threw myself into the dangerous mystery of ambiguity and danced in the rain. I rested. I went to the risen Christ and he took my burdens. I was liberated. I found healing.”
Dragged Into Healing at Wild Goose by , Emerging into Orthodoxy

“Wild Goose is as much a community as it is a festival.”
Community at the Goose, by Joel Rieves, The Progressive Redneck

“At any given moment, you could be down by the river doing yoga or art therapy or a writing workshop, or under one of a dozen tents learning about white privilege, the death penalty, or post traumatic church syndrome.”
– Mud, Music and Exploding Head Syndrome by Melanie Griffin, Writing With Spirit

“The questions we were all confronting were ‘What does it mean to live simply and walk gently on the Earth?’ ‘How do we help the church as a whole (and as individual congregations) live the inclusive vision of radical acceptance and love Jesus taught?’ ‘What are the characteristics of living well?’ ‘How do we best love each other through trauma, differences, and divisions?’ ‘How do we live in community?'”
Wild Goosebumps by Anita Peebles, feeling the light

“On Sunday morning I joined a parade down a dirt road in a campground, sang peace songs led by Rev. Yolanda on an acoustic guitar, and received communion from a mason jar in a grass clearing with sweat dripping down my legs and back.       That was church.”
10 Things I Learned at #wildgoose14 by Micah J. Murry, Redemption Pictures

“The theme of this year’s festival was Living Liberation, and it occurs to me that sometimes we need to liberate ourselves from our own limiting ways in order to experience God’s expansive ones—even if it means getting our feet dirty.”
Dirty-footed Freedom by Monette Chilson, Sophia Rising

“Whatever else Wild Goose was, it was a place where people danced without inhibition.”
#wildgoose14: Where the Trinity Was a Dance Party without Inhibition by Morgan Guyton, Mercy Not Sacrifice

“This year’s theme of Living Liberation! was aligned with the spiritual values of the emerging church movement of the 21st century. These values include respect and inclusiveness toward other faith traditions, a deeper recognition of the importance of the common good, as well as exploring faith through new expressions of art, prayer and community worship.”
Wild Goose Festival Invites Christian Transformation by Bruce Elliott, Charlotte Observer

“I realize that Wild Goose was itself a faith mark for me. It has been so challenging to learn to live my faith ‘out loud’ and to build accessibility, authenticity, and comfort with the winding path of my faith journey.”
Faith Mark by Sarah Price, Small Points of Light

“The lines that divide and separate us culturally and religiously become very ‘thin’ in the brightness of the glory that is ‘The Goose,’ and we all become one family. The exclusions and the blemishes become insignificant as we all merge into one fold…This recipe is delicious and it’s refreshing to have the freedom to safely mingle with so many people and still maintain the momentum and energy of your own faith journey.”
– An Undercover Expose from INSIDE #wildgoose14 by DrDIY

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