Planning on camping at VanHoy? Interested in Glamping? Flying in? Here’s some information for staying onsite, staying nearby, and traveling to the Goose.
One campsite is included with every ticket. Campsites aren’t marked or numbered – be sure you arrive early enough to look around, pick your favorite spot, and get set up before dark.
If you want “full service” tent camping, check out Dana’s Edventures – she’ll rent you a tent, air mattress, chairs, and more. She’ll also set it up and take it down for you. Whether you’re camping with Dana or not, everyone is welcome at her campfire every evening!
If you’d like something a little more glamorous, more roomy, and with electricity, Glamping may be the choice for you. Click here to book your Glamping reservation.
We still have non-hookup RV sites for sale here.
If you’re staying nearby, need directions, or are flying in, check out our webpage with a map, local accommodations, and nearby airports.
You can find additional site information (arrival, parking, ice, etc) on our website by clicking here.