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The Call of the Wild by Phil Wyman

By March 14, 2016March 15th, 2016Goose News

DSC_5192The Wild Goose Festival is just a few months away. Preparations for events like this are best begun early, because participation is the name of the game.

Transformative Festivals like The Wild Goose are transformative, because everyone comes as a participant, and not simply as a spectator. Participants are those who live by the ancient description of the spiritual person, “doers of the word, and not hearers only.” They are transformed by their own participation. The participant also initiates surprise in a festival, and in doing so brings transformation to others. Everyone expects the band on the stage to perform, but they are surprised by the beauty of a well-made costume, or the skills of someone juggling to the music. People expect to hear something helpful and challenging during a lecture, or a workshop, but are surprised by the vibrancy of a spirited debate, or the simple eloquence of a life-changing story. People enjoy the food and drink in festivals, but are even more pleased by the camp inviting them to share in fish tacos, or a homebrew.

Simple preparations such as costuming, preparing decorations for your campsite, bringing something to share with others, and finding ways to express your own creativity are all that are required to turn a festival from an event of talking heads, and fulfilled expectations into a wild surprise of exceeded expectations, and interactivity.

The Wild Goose is wild because of you. Spend a little time considering how you will be bringing your wild this summer, and help us keep the Goose wild.

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