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Dr. Roberto at Wild Goose Festival 2023

By June 7, 2023June 21st, 2024Rollouts

Dr. Roberto Che Espinoza is returning to Wild Goose Festival 2023!

Dr. Roberto Che Espinoza is returning to Wild Goose Festival and we’re thrilled!

A visionary thinker, scholar-activist, public theologian, teacher, ethicist, and true catalyst for change, Dr. Espinoza was named one of 10 Faith Leaders to Watch by the Center for American Progress.

Dr. Roberto’s Bio

Teaching at the intersection of queer theory and theology/ethics at Duke Divinity School, they bring a unique perspective to the fight for social justice, and are passionate about the ways that our collective differences might shed light on how we become a better body together.

Come, join us at Wild Goose Festival 2023 and experience Dr. Roberto’s inspiration and passion with us!

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