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Joyce Hagen-McIntosh

Joyce Hagen-McIntosh

Joyce began the journey of coming out to herself at 9, out to the world at 19, and out as a comedian at 49! Out as a Christian? The whole time, (with occasional tweaks in denomination, faith tradition, and world-religion exploration) she has shared the message of God’s love being meant for ALL people.

As a librarian, she helps people fill information gaps and provides access to accurate information. She currently works with an organization promoting First Amendment education, fighting censorship, and promoting the freedom to read for librarians, authors and publishers, educators, and patrons.

As a comedian, Joyce presents the overlap of faith, GLBT identity, music (she’s been known to pick up her violin during a set), and parenting. She began performing with The Mother Cluckers in April 2017 and believes that social justice through humor can take place in local bookstores, classrooms, over meals, in our churches – basically in any conversation or space!

82 Stand Up Comedy followed by sharing our stories as GLBT Christians

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