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Grace Ji-Sun Kim

By May 31, 2022June 21st, 20242022 Festival

Grace Ji-Sun Kim is Waking the Goose!

Very few people move and mingle among leaders like Grace. She’s the host of Madang, a popular podcast hosted by Christian Century, a professor, and the author or editor of 21 books including Reimagining Spirit. Her podcast guest list reads like a who’s who of contemporary thought and her books regularly appear in Best of or Important Books lists.

She writes for Baptist News Global¸ Sojourners, Faith and Leadership, and Wabash Center and has appeared in TIME, Christian Century, The Huffington Post, US Catholic Magazine, and The Nation and she’s the co-editor of “Asian Christianity in

Diaspora,” a Palgrave Macmillan Series.


And there’s more – she’s also leading a session called Reimagining Spirit.

From Grace:

The Holy Spirit has always been a mover and shaker of ideas and action. The Spirit’s presence moves, stirs, and changes us to become aware of the social ills in our world and to work towards justice. 

The Spirit presents itself to many as an enigma. Its existence is mysterious and complex, generating misunderstandings and unawareness of its true purpose. The Spirit’s ambiguous nature opens the opportunity for study to unearth the exciting truths that it holds.

Such an appropriate person and an appropriate topic for WILD GOOSE! Don’t miss Grace Ji-Sun Kim.

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