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Creative Defiance:An African American and South African conversation about decolonization. The use of colonial symbols as the embodiment of the struggle for equality.

Fri 11 AM | Convo Hall 4
Sat 5 PM | Convo Hall 4

Rev. Adam Dryer & Siki Dlanga

What are the parallels between Rhodes Must Fall and the taking down of Confederate icons from the American Civil War? A South African and African discuss how creative defiance is a means of disrupting the narrative of our colonial histories.

Siki Dlanga

Siki Dlanga is a graduate student at American University in D.C. She is midway through her Political Communication masters degree. In South Africa, Siki has written political columns, been part of the South African Christian Leaders Initiative board as the youngest member and for a time the only woman on the board. She started Freedom Mantle which worked to mobilize young Christian leaders to be engaged in social change in South Africa. She also worked with Rhodes Must Fall and Fees Must Fall activists/leaders by creating inter-generational mentor-ship spaces and safe spaces for them to engage their faith in their activism. In USA, Siki’s poetry has been featured on PBS with her poem titled Black Lives Matter alive or dead in protest of the desecration of the graveyard that belongs to the first freed Africans in Maryland by business.

338 Creative Defiance

Adam Dyer

Adam Dyer

Board Member
Reverend Adam Lawrence Dyer is the Lead Minister at First Parish Cambridge, Unitarian Universalist Church in Cambridge, MA. He is thrilled to return to Wild Goose as a proud member of the Board. His ministry and writing focuses on embodied faith and exploring the intersection between race, sexuality and religion. A graduate of the Pacific School of Religion, he also holds a certificate in Sexuality and Religion and was the 2017 recipient of the Paul Wesley Yinger preaching award. His book of poetry/meditations Love Beyond God was published in 2016 by Skinner House Books. At First Parish, he is deeply engaged in ministry to address issues around homelessness supporting the work of youth shelters, meals programs and programs to support the elderly remaining in the home. In addition to serving First Parish, Adam is also the Unitarian Universalist Chaplain at Harvard University.

321 God is the Fact That…Living to Die – Mortality and Faith
338 Creative Defiance

Session #338

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