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Feeding Hungry Kids Is Simple. Promise.

Fri 4 PM | Convo Hall 1
Sat 5 PM | Convo Hall 1

Lillian Boeskool

While gathering food from South Nashville neighbors to send to a friend across town feeding hungry kids in schools in East Nashville, Lillian thought, “I wonder if there are any hungry kids in our school?” With over 50% of students at her children’s elementary on Free and Reduced Lunch, chances were pretty good. Starting small, and with very few operation guidelines or partners, she and a few friends gave this idea a try for the last 5 weeks of school. Five years later, they have expanded to their middle school as well, and hope to add an additional elementary this fall. This seed has encouraged others in their area to begin as well, and several hundred kids are getting food every weekend that they would have otherwise not had. You may not be someone with a big name or a lot of resources, but starting a program of any sort can actually be more simple than you realize. Come and hear about how this program began and is structured, and be inspired to start something small but important!

Lillian Boeskool

Lillian Boeskool is a part-time photographer who has an addiction to Nashville Hot Chicken and volunteering in her kids’ schools. She is a firm believer in investing in your local community with your time as well as your talents. Lillian has served on several local education-related committees and boards, and is currently a member of the Nashville Public Education Foundation’s Parent Council, in conjunction with the Mayor’s Office. She just finished her term as the World’s Okayest PTA President, and if that isn’t impressive to you, she dares you to give it a try. She is a Enneagram Social 8 with a very patient Enneagram 4 husband, and 3 kids who are seriously funnier than you.

162 Feeding Hungry Kids Is Simple. Promise.

Session #162

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