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Post-Cynical Bible Study: the promise of Integral Theology

Saturday, 12:00pm | Portal

Post-Cynical Bible Study: the promise of Integral Theology. In a world where Holy Writ is used as a battering ram instead of a singing bowl, is there a way to let Scripture soar again? Doug King says “”yes!”” In this post-postmodern walk through the bible, Doug navigates the minefield of conflicting interpretation using one of today’s most comprehensive macro-developmental model: Spiral Dynamics. Transcend progressive-conservative divisions as polarized biblical stories come alive again on the other side of despair, illustrating our timeless drive to let go of alienation and live in unity – with God, self, each other, and our planet.

Doug King

Doug King (Graduate Study, Theology and Biblical Languages) is an author, speaker, and President of Presence International, an Integral Theology think tank revisioning the role of spirituality for the common good. Doug has a background in business, being founder and CEO of a technology company in Atlanta, Ga. for 20 years. Doug serves on the Advisory Board for Forum 21, a nonprofit dedicated to education and activism surrounding the UN Sustainability Goals.

Doug’s passion is a trans-narrative reframing of the biblical narrative, illustrating its move away from insular in-group concerns to an All-in-All God as our source. In his work in Integral Theology, Doug overlays sacred history with the comprehensive macro-developmental model Spiral Dynamics. Transcending us vs them dichtomies, Scripture comes alive again, revealing an all-encompassing spirituality inviting us to let go of alienation and live in full presence and connection – with God, self, each other, and our planet.

Session ID [188]
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