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Renew Your Contemplative Heart of Compassion

Saturday, 9:00am | Library

Caring in a compassion deficient culture can cause compassion fatigue. To renew the contemplative heart of compassion and tackle challenges to sustaining it, small groups will (a) share stories of “Matthew 25:40 moments” and (b) identify factors dissonant with your clear call to compassion, such as privilege, resentment, and competition. What gifts of compassion do you need to reclaim and leverage? What do you need to let go? Spiritual director and therapist, J. Marshall Jenkins, Ph.D., will frame the discussion using material from his recently released book, Blessed at the Broken Places: Reclaiming Faith and Purpose with the Beatitudes.

J. Marshall Jenkins

J. Marshall Jenkins, Ph.D., is a writer, counseling psychologist, and spiritual director. Through his writing and listening ministries, Marshall strives to validate the faith and empower the discipleship of people facing emotional pain. The Beatitudes point to rich insights for that mission, and he shares them in his Beatitudes Blog at and in his recently published book, Blessed at the Broken Places: Reclaiming Faith & Purpose with the Beatitudes (Skylight Paths, 2016). He received certificates in spiritual formation at Columbia Theological Seminary and in spiritual guidance at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. Since 1987, he has served as Director of Counseling at Berry College and conducted an evening private practice in psychotherapy and spiritual direction. He lives in Rome, Georgia with his lovely wife, Wanda Cantrell.

Session ID [30]
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