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Life After Faith – A facilitated conversation for those of us who no longer believe

Fri 11 AM | Convo Hall 3
Sat 10 AM | Convo Hall 5

Emily Gail Wimbish

Have you ever been told that it’s ok to doubt as long as you come back to the right answer? Did something tell you that authentic searching for truth could never have such walls? Questioning–or even leaving-ones religion and the community that comes with it can be a lonely road, but through sharing stories with fellow-travelers, we begin to find healing. Emily Wimbish, an evangelical-flavored fundamentalist missionary kid, True-Love-Waiter, and biblically-literalist Christian who took a step back from her faith one day and never stopped walking, knows this path well. She shares her experiences of leaving Christianity, and those she met along the way.

Emily Wimbish

Emily Wimbish is an artist, activist, landscrapa’, and professional weirdo based out of central NC. Her favourite things include making art of all kinds, laughter, and all things sparkly.

398 Life After Faith

Session #398

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