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Cláudio Carvalhaes
Originally from São Paulo, Brazil, Dr. Carvalhaes is a former shoe shining boy and now is an activist, liturgist, theologian and artist. He has preached and performed in Brazil; Mozambique and El Salvador. He has taught at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia and is currently at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. In the fall of 2016, he will be the Associate Professor of Worship at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Carvalhaes has served with the Presbyterian Church (USA) in its peacemaking and immigrant groups ministries and continues to work with immigrant groups in US and Brazil. He has been on the cutting edge of cross-cultural worship, a voice of liberation among communities of color, an advocate for young adults, and a prophetic presence among those who are pushing the church into the 21st century. Living around the borders of several cultures he speaks badly three languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Luke 10:25-37 What story? Whose story?
Flannery O’Conner once wrote: “I write to discover what I know.”
Perhaps we can say that we worship to discover what we love, who and
whose we are, what stories we are made of, and what are the limits and
possibilities of our lives. More, when we worship we learn to re-tell
stories from different perspectives, our own and somebody else’s too.
After having heard so many stories here, what story has the potential
to change your story? Whose story are you taking with you? At our last
worship service, let us celebrate God’s stories in our stories and our
stories in God’s stories.

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