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The Bible for Normal People Podcast

Fri 2:30 PM | GooseCast

The Bible for Normal People

Pete and Jared are going to be talking with “normal people” (like you?) about the Bible, the hangups we have about it, the frustrations, but also the hope of reconnecting somehow.

Pete Enns

Pete Enns is a Bible professor at Eastern University, but is nevertheless a semi-interesting person who loves animals and binge watching great dramas with his wife Sue. He writes a lot about dealing honestly with the messiness of the Bible and the reality of doubt in the life of faith, and his two most popular books are The Bible Tells Me So: Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It and The Sin of Certainty: Why God Desires Our Trust More than Our “Correct” Beliefs. His popular blog and podcast, The Bible for Normal People, can be found at

293 B4NP Podcast
341 I Love You, Bible . . . . Just Not That Way

Jared Byas

As a former mega-church pastor and professor of philosophy, Jared Byas discovered that leadership often destroys the creative impulse rather than fosters it. Now he runs MyOhai, a talent collective of designers, developers, and advisers near Philadelphia. His passion is to create systems where creative people can flourish in their work, family, and spiritual journey. He is the co-author of Genesis for Normal People (Patheos, 2012) and writes about faith and culture at

401 Is the Bible True?
293 B4NP Podcast

Session #293

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