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Christo-Shamanic Anointing CeremonyWelcoming You, Recognizing Your Gifts and Callings, and Sending You Forth to Do What You are Meant to Do in the World!

Fri 5 PM | Healing Arts

Pastor Nar Martinez

Anointing is an ancient sacred practice wherein people, places, or objects are blessed and consecrated. The ritual of anointing has been practiced for many thousands of years by most all the world’s major spiritual traditions and religions.Anointing has historically served as least three functions: for comfort, health, and healing; as a token of hospitality, honor, and recognition of status or calling; and consecration for a sacred use and purpose. Oils infused with fragrant plant essences were poured or rubbed onto the body or object being anointed. This will be a space where we gather to implement the three functions of anointing: a space of healing and comfort mediated through the Anointing Oil and Sacred Touch; an environment of hospitality and honor, recognizing the unique gifts and callings of those who gather; and a time of consecration, speaking words of Spirit and Life over those present, and finally, sending them forth to carry out their purpose in the world.

Nar Martinez

Nar Martinez

Healing Arts
Rev. Narcizo Martinez – known to many as ‘Pastor Nar’ – is a Mexican-American currently residing in Ohio. Growing up in a bi-racial household, he learned to appreciate the unique gifts offered through his differing familial cultures. He understands the struggles and beauty of integrating multiple cultures in his life story.

This celebration of opposites applies not only to his heritage, but also to his spirituality. After coming to faith during the Jesus Movement, he traversed through many different expressions of community. He is a lover and follower of Jesus, a mystic, as well as a practicing Shaman. The thread that holds this eclectic mix together is his belief in the Great Spirit that has expressed itself at all times, in all cultures, and through all people.

Nar is a healer – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He is also an experienced ritual and ceremony creator who utilizes the ancient praxis of the Medicine Wheel, Sacred Touch, Essential Oil Anointing / Massage.

163 Christo-Shamanic Anointing Ceremony
291 Medicine Wheel Mandala

Session #163

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