Volunteer Values:
Volunteers commit to the purpose of the festival by supporting
the values imagined in the Wild Goose Invitation and:
• Loving the People
• Being Hospitable
• Building Community
• Having Fun
Volunteer Agreement:
I recognize that as a Wild Goose Festival Volunteer I am a key part of the community and a representative of the festival. As I will be shaping the experience of others, I agree to contribute to a healthy and safe community by respecting the dignity of all people at the festival at all times. I understand that I should be sober when I begin my shifts and that consumption of alcohol while on duty as a volunteer is not allowed. If concerns arise during my work as a volunteer, I will communicate any concerns to my Team Leader and/or to the Volunteer Coordinator so they can have ample opportunity to address those concerns.
I will attend required training, fulfill my service commitment, and if I am not going to be able to fulfill the obligations of this volunteer spot, I will inform either the Volunteer Coordinator or my Team Leader of my cancellation no later than Wednesday, July 1.
I also understand that while the festival hopes to provide plenty of volunteering opportunities, a match cannot be guaranteed for all submissions.