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Susan Cottrell

SUSAN COTTRELL is the prominent voice for faith parents of LGBTQI children. She is an international speaker, author and spiritual director. Through her nonprofit, Susan champions the LGBTQI community and families with characteristic tender-heartedness as she zealously challenges Christians who reject them with wise insistence that love of God and others is the foundation of faith. She spent 25 years in the nonaffirming Evangelical church, is President of FreedHearts, has a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, served as VP of PFLAG Austin, and was featured on ABC’s 20/20, Nightline and Good Morning America. Her books “Mom, I’m Gay”—Loving Your LGBTQ Child and Strengthening Your Faith (Westminster John Knox Press), and True Colors – Celebrating the Truth and Beauty of the Real You, are endorsed by HRC, PFLAG, Gay Christian Network and others. She has been married 30 years, has five children, two of whom are LGBTQI, and lives in Austin.

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