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From Father God to Mother Earth: The Quest for Interracial Justice
David Hansen

The Native American drive for self-governance is one of the most important civil rights struggles of our time. It is also a challenge to the church to reform itself. For 400 years, from the founding of Jamestown to the beginning of the twenty-first century, Protestants dedicated themselves to the mission to “”civilize and Christianize”” Indians. Since 2003 a growing number of Christian communions have apologized to Native Americans for their participation in the history of Indian genocide, and committed themselves to work for a more just and peaceful multicultural society. In this session participants will be invited to share their experiences working to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline or other issues. Working collaboratively we will create a pathway for the church as it lives more fully into its commitment to create a more just and peaceful society.
David Hansen

David Hansen

David Hansen has served in ministry in the United Church of Christ and more recently in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for more than 40 years. His studies at the Pacific School of Religion and the Graduate Theological Union focused on religion and society and economic policy. He has served as campus minister in Oregon and Saskatchewan, and in congregations from Wisconsin to Hawai’i. He served as the conference minister of both the Hawai’i Conference of the United Church of Christ and the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference of the United Church of Christ. He and Sally, his wife, are parents and grandparents of an interracial, multicultural family that includes Christians, Muslims, and atheists, as well as French and Turkish citizens. His passion is to create a society in which interracial and multicultural justice and peace are normative.


Session ID [87]
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