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Conservatives are from Mars and Progressives are from
Venus: Finding Our Way in Another World

What does it look like to welcome those who are against us? To include those who would exclude us? To at least keep talking to those we think are jackasses and really listen? Our world feels even more divided today than a year ago, and we are growing less and less understandable to each other: Republicans and Democrats, “progressives” and “conservatives.” If we are going to do more than further alienate and exclude one another – if we’re going to change the world together – we will have to practice new ways of engaging each other that diffuse defensiveness with openness and meet fear with firm, loving non-violence. Hearts and minds evolve in relationships, when we are safe enough to be open to other stories and experience both brokenness and hope in the presence of grace. Come share stories and questions about challenging relationships, unlikely transformations, and creating space for connection.

Jennifer Ould 

Jennifer’s journey has brought her from the heart of hardcore fundamentalism, through conservative evangelicalism to a much more open and curious faith. Along the way, she has been a Republican activist, graduated from Tennessee Temple University, received an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, worked to build bridges between conservative Christians and the LGBTQ+ community, served on the vestry of a progressive Episcopal church, helped launch Gilead, an inclusive non-traditional church near her home in Chicago’s most diverse neighborhood, and advocated for the LGBTQ+ community in uncomfortable spaces. Wild Goose has been an important part of Jennifer’s journey and she hopes to continue helping make it a space that welcomes questions and transformation.

Jennifer runs, preaches, is learning storytelling, and blogs at

Session ID [42]
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