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People of Color Gathering Space

Darren Calhoun, Robyn Henderson-Espinoza

Friday, 5:00pm | Portal

Wild Goose is a time of poetry, passion, and faithful life — and is consistently an extraordinarily white space. How can people of color appreciate the gifts and strengths of this unique space while resisting appropriation, microaggressions, and white supremacy?

This session will be a chance to gather with and deepen relationship with other attendees of color, to share in life’s joys and lament. Particularly in this political moment, it feels important for communities or color to be “”all together in one place.”” (White attendees, please honor the intentionality of this space with your absence.)

Darren Calhoun

Darren Calhoun is an advocate, worship leader, and photographer based out of Chicago. He works to bridge relationships between people of differing perspectives through story and relationship. Intersectionality is his primary lens when facilitating dialogue and education about justice and inclusion for people marginalized based on race, gender, and/or sexuality. Currently, Darren is Worship Leader at Urban Village Church – South Loop, Associate Fellow for Racial Justice at Evangelicals for Scoial Action, in addition to owning Darren Calhoun Photography. He’s also an extrovert who loves hugs. Follow him on social media at @HeyDarren

Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, PhD
Knowing intimately that the borderlands are a place of learning and growth, Robyn draws on their identity and heritage as a Trans queer Latinx in everything that they do. From doubt to divine and everywhere in between, their call as an activist-theologian demands the vision to disrupt hegemony and colonialist structures of multi-layered oppressions. As an anti-oppression, anti-racist, non-binary Trans*gressive Latinx, Robyn takes seriously their call as an activist theologian and ethicist to bridge together theories and practices that result in communities responding to pressing social concerns. Robyn sees this work as a life-orienting vocation, deeply committed to translating theory to practice, and embedded in re-imagining our moral horizon to one which privileges a politics of radical difference.

Session ID [402]
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