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The Story You’re Not Telling: How Shame Stories Can Hijack the Narrative of our Lives

Saturday, 3:00pm | Portal

Story wields immeasurable power in our lives. We get dealt certain facts, some traumatic, and we build story around them to help us make sense of what happened.

If there is a story that you are not telling anywhere to anyone in any way, it islikely because you’ve attached shame to it. Shame kept in the dark grows. It metastasizes. Shame stories do the same thing. They become bigger, more powerful. They inform the decisions we make and the people we bring into our lives.

The story you’re not telling is running the board. It’s likely in charge of your whole life.
In this interactive session, participants will seek to identify those stories and release them.

You either own your story, or it owns you. Period.

Laura Parrott Perry

Laura Parrott Perry is a writer, speaker, and co-founder and CEO of the non-profit Say It, Survivor – an organization devoted to helping survivors of child sexual abuse reclaim their stories as part of the path to healing.  She is the author of the popular blogs, In Others’ Words, and The Golden Repair on Her work has been featured on Trigger Points Anthology, No Make-up Required, Huffington Post and in Boston Magazine. Laura is a frequent public speaker on the topics of story, child sexual abuse, addiction and shamelessness, and was a contributor at Wild Goose Festival 2016.

Laura is currently writing her first book on the topic of story and the power it wields in our lives. She is the single mother of two incredible human beings and the devoted servant to a glorious dog.,

Session ID [31]
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