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Throwing a Party with the Uninvited: How liturgy, worship, celebration and affirmation hold our community of rich and poor, young and old, black and white

Come learn about our journey to establish Lydia’s House as more than a social service agency for homeless women and children, but rather a home where a culture of shared practices and celebrations truly includes everyone at the table. We’ll outline the practices that have been effective for us and also the process of moving from ways of being together that make sense only to the privileged to rituals and celebrations that give life to all who are present.
Meridith Owensby

Meridith Owensby, Mary Ellen Mitchell, and Anne Housholder

Meridith Owensby, Mary Ellen Mitchell and Anne Housholder are founding members of Lydia’s House, an intentional Christian community in the Catholic Worker tradition located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Lydia’s House has been providing transitional housing to homeless women, some with children, since its inception in 2014 and is currently working to expand into permanent, affordable housing. Between them Meridith, Mary Ellen and Anne have 25 friends of friendship, 13 years living in intentional community, four masters degrees (public health, rehabilitation, and theology x 2), one doctorate (medicine), three children (Annie, Sam and Jacob) and are faithful members of Catholic, Methodist and Episcopal churches. In the collective practices and celebrations of Lydia’s House Meridith specializes in custom limericks and prayers, Anne in baking, badge making and hand-made decor and Mary Ellen in holding space for joy and levity.

Session ID [305]
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