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Taizé Vesper Service

Saturday, 5:00pm | Library

Taize vesper service consists of simple, repetitive chant-like melodies with times of silence, meditation and prayer. We provide an order of worship, which includes words to the music, and everyone participates in both the music and the prayers, accompanied by guitar and flute. The Taize service provides a welcome time of quiet reflect that is appreciated by many amidst the busy-ness and often high-volume music of the festival.

Leslie Withers, Taize Worship Service

Leslie Withers is a member of Oakhurst Baptist Church in Decatur, GA, where she sings in the Sanctuary Choir. She also plays flute with the choir and also in Taize worship services. She is a lay worship leader and occasionally plans and leads both morning worship services and evening Taize services at the church. An Associate Member of the Iona community in Scotland, she has participated in residential programs at the Iona Abbey and played flute in worship services there.

When not playing flute, Leslie is active in numerous justice and peace organizations and activities. She serves on the steering committee for Create Community 4 Decatur: Black Lives Matter. The group started 2 ½ years ago in response to the killings of unarmed Black men by police and works locally in Decatur to promote racial justice in criminal justice, in the school system, and in neighborhoods.

Session ID [163]
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