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Serving Life: ReVisioning Justice

Saturday, 9:00am | Living Room

SERVING LIFE is a community call and response between public audiences and some of the most hidden members of our society: men on death row. Death row mirrors our over-incarcerated nation. All residents are low-wealth. Most are minorities. Mental illness is rampant. Hundreds have been executed who were innocent. Yet, these troubling factors go unheeded. Even if these men are “not guilty,” they’re perceived as “not innocent enough.”
As we listen to these prisoners grapple with the realities of innocence, justice, and compassion, we begin to wonder who is disposable, who counts, and what justice means when the blindfold is our own.Join us as we explore together what it means to live fully in the face of scheduled death.
*Audience members will have an opportunity to respond to the men and their families.

Lynden Harris 

Hidden Voices is a radically inclusive, participatory, and co-creative organization committed to creating just, compassionate, and sustainable relationships. Our core values are simple: All lives have meaning. All stories matter. As practitioners of a radically inclusive process, we’re committed to breaking traditional artistic and social boundaries so as to tell the stories that matter most, shed light on complex situations and voices, and envision together the future we wish to create.

Founder of Hidden Voices, Lynden Harris collaborates with underrepresented communities to create award-winning works that combine narrative, performance, mapping, music, digital media, animation, and interactive exhibits. Lynden is a member of the MAP Fund Class of 2016 and in 2014 was named a Founding Cultural Agent for the US Dept. of Arts and Culture. She also teaches Stories for Social Change at Duke University and is a founding team member of Duke Transformative Prison Practices.

Through Hidden Voices, Associate Director Kathryn Hunter Williams has co-created performances with undocumented youth, families escaping violence, military spouses, survivors of sexual assault, communities facing gentrification, and the currently incarcerated. Kathryn is faculty at the Dept. of Dramatic Art at UNC, a long-standing member of PlayMakers Repertory Co., and has worked with Living Stage, The Negro Ensemble, New Dramatists, and the Chautauqua Theater Company.

Session ID [102]
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