Reaching Further
by Kyle Meyaard-Schaap
Freedom. Joy. Flourishing.
These are some of the fundamental values that mark the identity of the Wild Goose Festival. The radical conviction that humans and the rest of creation were made to be in intimate, abundant relationship with each other and with their God. But it’s also the clear-eyed and gut-deep understanding that this life and this world falls short–that the intended abundant and intimate relationship always remains just out of reach. So why not gather in the forest for a few days every year and reach a little further?
That’s why World Renew is so excited to partner with Wild Goose 2015. Since its inception in 1964, World Renew has shared the conviction of Wild Goose that God envisions so much more for his creation. So much more than hunger and poverty. So much more than violence and oppression. So much more injustice and coercion. So much more than bondage, fear, and separation. That’s why, for the past 53 years, World Renew has been building relationships and walking alongside those who are in poverty. It has worked to do its own small part in bringing hope in the midst of despair, and freedom in the midst of captivity. To live in solidarity with those who are poor, that lessons might be learned from each other and a fuller vision of the kingdom might be caught.
Freedom. Joy. Flourishing.
These are some of the values that, like Wild Goose, also mark World Renew. And like Wild Goose, we too are painfully aware that this life and this world falls short–that the intended abundant and intimate relationship established at creation always remains just out of reach.
So why not gather in the forest for a few days in July and reach a little further?

Salome stands among the pines of her father’s tree farm. World Renew’s local partner organisation, the Sengerema Informal Sector Association (SISA), taught Samwel and other farmers in his area how they can obtain title deeds for their land. With the ability to prove ownership of his land, Samwel has the security to be able to invest in it, especially because it can help in getting loans. He has chosen to plant these fast-growing pine trees which will give him massive returns when they are ultimately felled, and has since invested further money in starting a small business providing advice to other farmers. Without title deeds, farmers are vulnerable to having their land taken away from them, and they have no legal recourse for compensation. They are especially wary of this, now that gold has been found in the ground in several places and mining companies are keen to start operating here.