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Kate Hurley

Kate Hurley is a singer-songwriter, worship leader, writer, and teacher based out of Asheville, NC. She traveled the world for fourteen years sharing her music and stories. She has played everywhere from castles in Germany to slums in India to 30,000 people hippie gatherings. She was a writer and performer with Enter the Worship Circle for several years. She has created six solo albums and is on several other compilation albums, including Enter the Worship Circle: Third Circle. She has written two books, Cupid is a Procrastinator: Making Sense of the Unexpected Single Life and the upcoming Inside Story: Bringing Peace of Mind to All the Pieces of Your Mind. This summer she will be making a live worship album called Kate Hurley and a Bunch Of Hippies Sing Freedom Songs. She is extremely interested in living in intentional communities and has lived in several communities around the country. She is hoping to help plant an intentional community in Asheville.

165 Musical Performance: Kate Hurley

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