Composting Supremacy Culture: Unpacking Racial Literacy, Embodiment, and Social Healing.
Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza | Jo Luehmann | Lenny Duncan
Dr. Robyn

Lenny Duncan

Lenny is the author of United States of Grace and Dear Church. Born on 62nd and Race in West Philly he now lives in the Pacific Northwest. Lenny is a nationally recognized writer, speaker, preacher, thinker, and agitator who has centered most of his theological work in the task of dismantling White Supremacy in the republic. Lenny is just another Black queer writer trying to survive “America”. He loves hip hop, tattoos, Jesus, liberation, and most likely you. He is ordained in the ELCA and is the Public Theologian at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley CA, and as Mission Developer Pastor for the Jubilee Collective in Vancouver WA.
Jo Luehmann

Jo Luehmann is a Colombian born and raised pastor who moved to the US to get her masters degree in ministry and theology. After 10 years working inside of churches, developing curriculum and teaching classes on theology and doctrine, and finding in personal and systemic ways how harmful and abusive the evangelical church is, Jo quit her job and committed to finding a faith that wasn’t abusive. Alongside her partner she started the Living Room (LivingRoomSD.com) a non-profit reclaiming faith and Christianity as spiritual expressions that can lead us toward wholeness, healing and heaven on earth. In the summer of 2020 alongside a group of victims and survivors of church abuse, Jo started @doBetterChurch an online space where people abused in churches can be seen, heard, believed and connected to others who can offer tools in their journey toward healing, as well as an initiative to invite churches to do better. In less than 6 months the space grew to over 15000 people with well over a thousand different reports of abuse submitted. Jo speaks and teaches about decolonizing faith and theology, as well as the importance of dismantling white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism both individually and collectively.
Check In for pre-festival events will be available on Wednesday from 1 pm to 5 pm, and Thursday from 7am to 9 am.
If you’re tent camping, there’s no additional campsite charge for Wednesday night.
Some campsite locations are restricted due to large venue tent construction in several areas.
RV campers will need to purchase an additional night.