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Coffeepot Fellowship Podcast
This episode of The Coffeepot Fellowship Podcast will be recorded before a live audience in the GooseCast Tent. Will it be Micky Scottbey Jones? Jim Wallis? Come find out and participate in The Story. We’re all called to be actively engaged in The Story and so you are called, and here invited, to join this event between 6:30 and 7:30 Thursday or 24/7 on your mobile device or You’ll recognize previous guests like Brian McLaren, Alexia Salvatierra, Tony & Bart Campolo, Jennifer Bailey, Lindsay Andreolli-Comstock, Romal Tune, Shane Claiborne and many more.The Coffeepot Fellowship Podcast is a ministry of United Faith Leaders, an interfaith and interdenominational affiliation of faith leaders called to serve people currently without a faith leader. UFL allows all faith leaders to be found and serve locally, in their current ministries or in growing new ones.

Jay McNeal
Jay McNeal is a progressive Baptist minister. He is the founder and Executive Director of United Faith Leaders and he is the host of The Coffeepot Fellowship Podcast. Undergraduate and graduate degrees include civil engineering, economics, teaching and theology. After his first graduate school Jay volunteered as a front line soldier in the Army. After three seminaries Jay almost returned to the military as a Navy Chaplain but fell in love with someone called to family in the landlocked state of Ohio. Jay is currently employed at Union Presbyterian Seminary’s theological library in Richmond, VA while his partner completes a graduate degree in May 2017. In the meantime Jay has expanded United Faith Leaders nationally and invites you to become a member so that together we can be about healing the relationships between faith and the world.

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