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What We're Watching

The Beatles “Now and Then” Music Video

Rick offered this suggestion, saying, “if you’re a Beatles fan, you will be deeply touched by this. The first time I heard it I was not impressed but I guess I wasn’t paying attention. Then, I watched the music video and played it loud. The making of this spans over 30 years. It’s a work of love, begun by John Lennon and completed by George, Paul, and Ringo as well as Peter Jackson and Giles Martin. Also see the short film with the whole back story, here.”

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What we have already read, watched, and listened to can be found here.

We all have differences in lifestyles, backgrounds and cultures. Wild Goose encourages free expression of thoughts, ideas, viewpoints, and opinions (within the guidelines of our Commitments) in an effort to create reflection and respectful conversation. Please note that the views shared in these suggestions do not necessarily reflect those of the governing board, staff, nor the community as a whole.

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