What is it? What happens when two former youth ministers become a therapist and spiritual director? Especially in the realms of trauma and addiction?
Oddly enough, Don’t Skip Recess happens. The emotional burden that mental health practitioners and spiritual directors can carry tends to be heavy, gloomy, isolating, and stressful. Can you relate?
Don’t Skip Recess is devoted to delving into the lands of
Play | Presence | Innocence
This magic medicine is for those who consistently hold space for seekers and sufferers alike.
Drawing from ancient wisdom sources such as Rumi, Stay playfully child(like), and the Gospel of Matthew (the Message), Start over like children, as well as integrating intelligence from shame researcher Brene Brown and play expert Dr. Stuart Brown, and fun theorist Bernard Louis DeKoven, Don’t Skip Recess rummages through stacks of:
- Childlikeness
- Awe and Wonder
- Presence
- Trust
And, of course, Play! Duh. Who can play? Don’t Skip Recess is open to humans who work as mental health professionals or spiritual directors.
Don’t Skip Recess includes:
- Games
- Song
- Experiential experiments of experience (i.e., nonsense!)
- Wanders
- Potential high fives
- Giggles
- Story and Sharing
- Renewal (not guaranteed!)