Craft/Merchandise Vendor Policies and Information
A link to the vendor application can be found at the bottom of this page.
Please read the policies and information before submitting your application.
We will give preference to regionally-based craft vendors who exhibit the character and diverse tastes of the region.
The cost for a booth is $200.00. All fees go to Wild Goose Festival Inc., a non-profit organization; we are eager to develop a mutually rewarding relationship with vendors. Your fee includes your vending space, two admission tickets and one tent camping pass. If you need more tickets to run your business, please make a note of it on your application. Once your application is accepted, information regarding payment of booth fee will be emailed to you.
General Guidelines
While the Festival will have night-time security on the grounds, each vendor has full responsibility for the security of his or her goods, property and booth at all times. Each vendor also has full responsibility of workers while at the festival. Vendors assume liability for any claims or damages resulting from their booth/fixtures.
If you use Square or other mobile payment systems please note that we should have WiFi available for vendors on site and that cell phone service for AT&T customers is non-existent. There is reliable U.S. Cellular service and spotty Verizon signals.
Vendors receive a 10×10 space are responsible for providing their own tent, table or fixtures and chair. Booth fixtures shall not obstruct walkways or entry to other booths. Each vendor must keep their site clean with all debris removed, and all trash and recycling placed in trash receptacles and recycling bins upon departure. Once spots have been designated, there can be no switching without the permission of the vendor coordinator.
All vendors must keep booths intact and open until dark on all three nights of the festival, and are encouraged to stay open later depending on demand. No early breakdown.
Once your booth is set up, you will need to move all other vehicles to the staff and vendor lot.
Setup begins on Wednesday, July 8 at 8 am and ends Thursday at 2 pm. Any site that is not occupied by noon on Thursday, July 9 is considered forfeited and the Festival may use it for any other purpose.
Breakdown begins Sunday morning and vendors should be off site by Sunday at 4 pm.
Items for sale
No Vendor may sell items that promote hate or violence to individuals or groups. Items must be in keeping with the values of the Wild Goose Festival and we reserve the right to ask a vendor to not sell or display certain items. If a vendor chooses not to comply with any such request, the Festival may ask you to leave the premises without refunding your booth and/or table fee.
All appropriate taxes are the responsibility of the vendor.
Again, please note that if you use Square or other mobile payment systems please note that we should have WiFi available for vendors on site and that cell phone service for AT&T customers is non-existent. There is reliable U.S. Cellular service and spotty Verizon signals.
An additional $25 must be added onto your booth fee check for electricity should you want it.
No Guarantee of Results
While we are confident that the Wild Goose Festival presents ample opportunity for vendors, The Festival does not warrant or guarantee any particular results from vending at the Wild Goose Festival nor does it guarantee any particular number of attendees during the event.
Inability to Perform
If Festival staff should elect not to or be prevent from hosting the Festival or cannot permit the vendor to occupy a space due to circumstances beyond the Festival or Vendor’s control including but not limited to acts of God, Festival will refund to Vendor the amount of rental paid. Should such occurrences happen during the Festival, vendor will receive a pro-rated refund. After refund, the Festival shall have no other obligation or liability to the Vendor.
Rules and Regulations
Festival staff shall have full power in the interpretation and enforcement of all policies contained in this agreement and may make additional policies as necessary for the proper conduct of the Festival.
Prohibited Sales
No merchandise vendor may sell alcoholic beverages, food or other controlled substances.
You must accept these policies in order to submit an application.