When we use the term “politics,” we don’t mean how you vote; we mean your behavior and how you use your power in the world. How are you using (or not using) your power?
In a world with divisive, polarizing and harm-producing politics, we need new ways to think through politics and advocate for social healing, more holistic ways of relating with one another, and to cultivate practices that help us act justly.
This pre-festival offering will explore the work of Activist Theology; how can you get your hands dirty in today’s world? How can you work for culture shift from a place of organizing, faith and values?
This work requires the integration of the whole self, and of whole communities. Parts of this work will be participatory and seek to engage body, mind, and heart through learning to honestly narrate our stories, building empathy, and moving our bodies together to experience the kinds of radical connections that midwife social change.
Curated by Robyn Henderson Espinoza
Dr. Robyn is a queer activist, Latinx scholar, and public theologian, based in Nashville, TN. They are the founder of the Activist Theology Project, a Nashville based collaborative project working to incubate sustainable change by responding to the needs of the world. They are also the author of Activist Theology, available on Oct. 1, 2019 by Fortress Press.
Check In for pre-festival events will be available on Wednesday from 1 pm to 5 pm, and Thursday from 7am to 9 am.
If you’re tent camping, there’s no additional campsite charge for Wednesday night.
Some campsite locations are restricted due to large venue tent construction in several areas.
RV campers will need to purchase an additional night.