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Caroline Buchanan

This will be Caroline’s fifth Wild Goose Festival. She was invited originally to assist one of our Dream interpreter mentors, Kelly Williams, with feeding our group.

Caroline knew she would want to feed others. Feeding people in nature where they have come together to intentionally connect brings her great joy. So, she brought a couple of extra pots with some beans, rice, simple veggies and spices. As it turned out, there was a need especially for vegetarian/gluten free food for many around our camp that year. The need to help those who only had enough money to get to Goose and were working for their ticket became evident.

Feeding volunteers and those hungry to connect with others in an atmosphere of love has become a significant part of our annual budget.

Caroline since coming to the Goose started a personal chef business and is working on a business model for a food truck that can be both profit focused and be available to offer food and cooking education where there is need.

234 Living the Desanka Way Every Day

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