Toe P
Toe P facilitates the exploration of several aspects of 12 step recovery, in the all-accepting, supportive and loving-kindness context of the Wild Goose. Those of us whose spirit may have flown a little too far into dark places, can celebrate the loving camaraderie of a group of people who practice and understand recovery. We can rest assured that anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles above personalities. We can dig deeply into what is going on today in our lives, our minds, our surroundings. We can revel in the sharing and nascence of coming to believe (and experience) a Higher Power of our own understanding leading us to sanity. And as we share our experience strength and hope, we can know that as Spirit speaks through us, someone (we?) might hear the exact thing needed today. If a Group Conscience decides, other informal meeting times/places may become available and will be announced at each meeting, and shared amongst the recovery community.