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Bushi Yamato Damashii

Bushi is a Buddhist monk and lead resident teacher at Daishin Zen Buddhist Temple in Thomasville, North Carolina. Bushi is also the Vice-president and Zen monk at Still Water Farms Retreat Center in Franklinville, NC. A former Christian minister and pastor, Bushi now speaks of much deeper understanding of the love and compassion of the Historical Jesus and the Historical Buddha. Bushi is classically trained in Mahayana Buddhism and Daishin Zen. Bushi is a native of West Palm Beach, Florida and educated abroad. He is a graduate of Myoshin-Ji Daishin Monastery in Kyoto, Japan and completed his 3-Year Retreat Residency Program at Daishin Zen Buddhist Temple in North Carolina. In his previous life he earned several degrees including a Master of Sacred Theology degree and a Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.) from the University of Brighton, and postdoctoral studies at Harvard University. Also, a master martial artist, Bushi has black belts (Dans) in three Japanese originated arts: Aikido, Daito Ryu Aikijujitsu, and Iai (sword mastery). Bushi incorporates his mastery of these arts into his teaching of developing clarity of mind and balance when teaching mindfulness. He is married the Christine LeGrand Ramsey, and they have three sons: Aaron, Torrence, and Isaiah.

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