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What Can Christians Learn from the Spiritual But Not Religious?
Mike Clawson

Friday, 2:00pm | Bridge

This interactive workshop will help Christians think together about what they and their faith communities can learn from the segment of the population known as the “”Spiritual But Not Religious”” (SBNR). It will by facilitated by Mike Clawson, a religion scholar, former church leader, and SASR (“”Spiritual And Still Religious””).

Mike Clawson

Mike Clawson is the founder of the The Spiritual Transformation Project which works at the intersection of spirituality and social change. He recently completed his PhD in Religion at Baylor University writing a history of the Emerging Church Movement. A former church planter, he currently lives in Austin, Texas with his two children where they enjoy geeky movies, swimming holes, and taco trucks on every corner.

Session ID [21]
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