Sarah DeShields
Sarah was born in England and raised in Scotland. Sarah studied piano, percussion and voice throughout school, receiving her BAHons in Communication Arts: Studies in Media and Performance from York St.John University in 2003. After that she moved to Charlotte, NC USA where she married her husband of now 11 years, with whom she records music with the band Broadcast Safe, and has two little wildling boys. Sarah’s love for the arts and her spirituality have deeply interwoven threads. As a mystic by nature, her music and photography take on a transient quality, with contemplation at the core of each piece. Her endeavors as an artist are always being drawn to the center of what it means to be human, to be spiritual, to love and be loved. You’ll find Sarah often creating spaces for the contemplative arts in communities, forming creative liturgies and sacred spaces where the invitation for all is felt. Sarah is currently in training at Charlotte Spirituality Center to become certified as a Spiritual Director.