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June 22, 2014

Hello friends,

 carrie craigBy now I am certain everyone is preparing for our time together at the Wild Goose Festival. We are all excited to gather with so many amazing people. Last year, 2013, was my first time to attend the festival. I am honored to be part of the team this year assisting as the accessibility coordinator.

We thought it might be helpful to review some of the information pertaining to accessibility at the Wild Goose Festival. If there are questions that need attention before you arrive, contact me at Please note the information below:

Housing and parking
You have already received certain details about parking and the shuttle in the registration information for Wild Goose. If you need accessible parking and/or will need access to the shuttle during the festival, fans will be provided in order to flag down shuttle drivers from the Ranger Station or from Check In and Ticketing.

If you have reserved a motel room at Alpine Court your keys and reservations will be handled at the Alpine Court motel which is just down the street from the Festival grounds across from Dorland Memorial Presbyterian Church.

Festival terrain
As mentioned in registration information, Wild Goose Festival is held within the Hot Springs Campground. Unpaved roads and pathways weave throughout the grounds. In some places the ground will be uneven but they are wide and provide access to festival activities. We have made every effort to create accessibility in this setting. Volunteers will be available if assistance is needed. There will be a shuttle provided to assist people with mobility needs throughout the festival.

Shuttle Plan
An on-site Shuttle is available. This Shuttle runs continually, looping around the Festival Site Only(including the parking area) from 8am-midnight. This shuttle is free for anyone who needs mobility assistance but is not equipped to transport wheelchairs or scooters. As written earlier, if you will need use of the shuttle, fanswill be provided in order to flag down shuttle drivers from the Ranger Station or from Check In and Ticketing.

The shuttle will provide assistance within the festival grounds but by law we are unable to use it off the property.  Some talks are hosted at local town venuesnear the festival site. Even though it is a small town these venues are some distance from the site. If you are interested in going downtown, you can drive a car to these venues and parking is available.

Although campsites can be accessed in multiple areas throughout the campground, there are a few sites nearer the bathhouse and available on a first come, first served basis. There are no reservations. You can be directed to these sites once you arrive at the gate.

Accessible bathrooms and shower/bathhouses
There will be accessible bathrooms/comfort stations near the main stage and gathering area. They will also be in key areas throughout the festival grounds.

The accessible showers and bathhouses are located closer to the front of the campground. Campsites are available near this bathhouse (across the road) making them more accessible. As mentioned before these sites are first come, first serve.

 Common Area/Recharging Station
There will be a few power outlets available for recharging wheelchairs, scooters. We ask that guests understand they use this power at their own risk. Wild Goose cannot take responsibility for any personal equipment. We are glad to be able to offer this convenience to our disabled guests; each patron is responsible for charging their own equipment. Please refer to the festival map for location of this area when you arrive.

​​Sessions and workshops
In some places chairs will be available for sessions and workshops.  For your comfort your own portable chair could be helpful. If a chair is needed and not found please ask for assistance.

Preparations for your arrival have been in the making for some time and we are excited to know that we will see you soon. I hope each of you have a safe trip to Hot Springs and the Wild Goose Festival.

In peace,

Carrie Craig
Accessibility Coordinator
Wild Goose Festival 2014

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