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Listening in Crowded Rooms: a Ministry of Presence for Minds Prone to Wander

Sat 3 PM | Landing

Tom Chappell Lewis

The brewery taproom is crowded tonight, and as you relax with beer in hand, you catch snippets of the conversations happening around you. You get the sense there are people here tonight who could use a listening ear, but the steady hum of TVs and talking isn’t the only interference; there’s also the noise of your day still rattling around in your tired, crowded mind. How can we address what’s going on internally while still being present to the people around us? Based in mindfulness and listening techniques, this session seeks that balance.

Tom Chappell Lewis

A trained chaplain and amateur mixologist, Tom Chappell Lewis pursues a ministry of presence to Jacksonville’s breweries. In addition to listening on bar stools, Tom co-leads a Beer & Hymns and Brew Theology chapter, consults with churches and bar owners, and writes on chaplaincy, cocktails, and other topics at Tom recently married his partner in ministry, scotch ale connoisseur Jessi Lewis. For pictures of their dog, Cowbell, follow @barchaplain on instagram and twitter.

70 Listening in Crowded Rooms

Session #70

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