Jesus, Bread, and Chocolate
Fri 10 AM | Convo Hall 3
Sat 4 PM | Convo Hall 3
John J. Thompson
In the stories of a baker, a farmer, craft brewers, a chocolatier, a woodworker, one of the top coffee experts in the world, and his own musical history, Thompson searches for truth rippling beneath the surface of the handcrafted and small batch culture shift happening all around us. Inspired by the artisanal way and driven by a personal journey to a deeper spirituality, he suggests that keeping the faith today starts with going back to the gospel’s grassroots and extricating it from the clutches of industrialism. (Chocolate may be served.)
This conversation with John J. Thompson will include some brief excerpts from his book, some stuff to taste (if we can pull it off) and maybe even a special guest or two. What might beer, chocolate, music, and a really cool table tell us about how we might build and experience Church in a more meaningful and satisfying way? Come taste and see.
John Thompson
John J. Thompson, author of Jesus, Bread and Chocolate; Crafting a Handmade Faith in a Mass Market World (Zondervan) is a 30-year music industry veteran, author, artist, record producer, and teacher who currently serves as Associate Dean at Trevecca Nazarene University’s School of Music and Worship Arts in Nashville. He is a frequent blogger, speaker, and consultant, as well as a worship leader and house church pastor. (Twitter: @JohnJThompson)
355 Jesus, Bread, and Chocolate; Crafting a Handmade Faith in a Mass Market World
Session #355