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Wild Goose Festival 2017 Sessions Index

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Times and venues are subject to change.

Sess#SessionGroup NameLinkTypeTimeVenue
432She is Called - faith, womanhood, and calling
Carla Ewert [432]
Carla Ewert 1:00 PMOpen
13Swimming In Circles
Gard Jameson [13]
Jameson Fellowship, Community BuildingSat 9:00 AMPortal
120Peace, Justice, and Pentecostalism
Daniel Rushing with Terry Threadwell, Carlos Rodriguez, Bec Cranford, and Kisha Parker [120]
Pentecostals for Peace and Justice, JusticeSat 2:00 PMPortal
62Stories to Get Us Through
Daniel V. Goodman [62]
David V. Goodwin
Fri 10:00 AMLanding
77Why engaging with the Spanish speaking community might just change the English speaking world.
Carlos Rodriguez / Happy Sonship [77]
Happy Sonship
Sat 11:00 AMLiving Room
44(Yoga) Community Eye Gazing to ease racial tensions
Anita Grace Brown [44]
Anita Grace Brown 3:00 PMLecture Hall
138U B Jesus - Living and loving as the Master lived and Loved
Thomas Orjala [138]
Thomas Orjala 9:00 AMRiver
69Prayers of Illumination
Emily Turner [69]
Emily Ulmer Installation, Interactive SpectacleSat 2:00 PMStudio
412Improv Church: the spiritual opportunities of making things up together
Tom Ryberg [412]
Tom Ryberg 2:00 PMLibrary
356JKwest Performance [356]JKwest 7:00 PMMain Stage
125JUSTICE: The Crossroad of Church and State
Zena Crenshaw-Logal, Joe Carson [125]
Zena Crenshaw-Logal 3:00 PMLanding
463Native American Friends
Craft Workshop [463] 5:00 PMLecture Hall
145Illiterate Light [145]Illiterate Light 6:00 PMMain Stage
395Young Adult Meetup (Episcopal Tent) [395]Justin Gabbard 9:00 AMEpiscopal
301My Body, Your Body, Our Bodies: Youth Forum on Body and Relationship
Taleese Morrill, JP Morrill, Grayson Hester [301]
Taleese Morrill 5:00 PMYouth
417Poetry Open Mic
Hannah Atkins [417]
Hannah Atkins Open MicSat 3:00 PMEpiscopal
Wild Goose Stand-up Comedy And Stories
Geoff Little [194]
Geoff Little 5:00 PMRiver
328Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Religion in the Age of Trump
Joerg Rieger, Alyssa Aldape, Robyn Henderson-Espinoza [328] 2:00 PMLiving Room
152Lobo Marino [152]Lobo Marino 6:30 PMSide Stage
289Pub Theology Live
Bryan Berghoef [289]
Bryan Berghoef 5:30 PMGooseCast
323Wisdom Camp (Pre Festival Event) [323]Mike MorrellWorkshop
197Glory Happening: Finding the Divine in Everyday Places
Kaitlin Curtice [197]
Kaitlin Curtice 11:00 AMOpen
354Wholeness for the Long Haul: Advocate Edition
Jessica Stokes, Shannon Axtell Martin, Ellen Sizemore [354]
Partners in Health and Wholeness 12:00 PMLanding
207Gathering the Goose with Nadia Bolz-Weber [207]Nadia Bolz-Weber 7:30 PMMain Stage
433Questions and Responses - from those around the world and in the tent
Brian McLaren & Doug Pagitt [433]
Brian McLaren 4:00 PMOpen
113God's Stories of Love and Justice
Brittany Sky & Claire Brown [113]
Claire Brown 9:00 AMBridge
294Job, Teen Depression, and Stigma
Charles Bretan & Chris Henson [294]
Charles Bretan & Chris Henson 12:30 PMYouth
186The Urantia Book Fellowship
Thomas Orjala [186]
The Urantia Book Fellowship 11:00 AMOther Spaces
199Living As if the Gospel Is True: Seeing Abundance in Poverty
Mike Mather [199]
Mike Mather 1:00 PMOpen
317William Paul Young
Interview [317]
William Paul Young 5:00 PMLiving Room
56Your Life. Your Canvas. Your Masterpiece: Co-creating Your Life as Sacred Art
Rev. Lainie Love Dalby [56]
Rev. Lainie Love Dalby, InteractiveFri 2:00 PMLanding
78Queer Theology Presentation
Shannon TL Kearns & Brian G.. Murphy [78]
Queer Theology, interactiveSat 10:00 AMLanding
430Poetry Goodness and the Spoken Word - using words to inspire, create and heal
Victoria Lin Peterson-Hilleque & Michael Toy [430]
Michael Toy 10:00 AMOpen
269Beer & Hymns [269]Nathan Baker-Lutz & HymnsSat 11:00 PMMain Stage
288Holy Heritics Podcast
Scott Watkins [288]
Holy Heritics 3:00 PMGooseCast
209Waking the Goose with Otis Moss III and the Trinity UCC Choir [209]Otis Moss III 8:30 AMMain Stage
350Tattoo Stories: Art that Intersects the Spiritual and the Physical
Cody Burton & Micah Murray [350]
Cody Burton, StorytellingFri 2:00 PMWorkshop
24I Am Water, I Am Waiting: Discovering WaterÕs Biblical Witness
Leah Schade, Eco Preacher [24]
EcoPreacher dramatic sermonSat 10:00 AMRiver
308Waking the Goose with William Barber [308]William Barber 8:30 AMMain Stage
193Standing on Shoulders - a songwriterÕs take on great songwriting
Hannah Rand [193]
Hannah Rand 3:00 PMCafŽ
300Art Project
Shawna Bowman [300]
Shawna Bowman, InteractiveFri 10:00 AMYouth
46Laugha Yoga: Intentional Laughing
Kristie Miles [46]
Laugha Yoga, MeditationSat 3:00 PMBridge
172Crackers and Grape Juice Podcast
Morgan Guyton, Jason Micheli [172]
Morgan Guyton 10:30 AMGooseCast
107Faithmarks StoryCraft - Interactive storytelling about your tattoo
Anna Golladay [107]
Anna Golladay StorytellingFri 2:00 PMStudio
150Held in a Song: Claire Hitchins Shares Songs From Her Recent Album "These Bodies"
Claire Hitchins [150]
Claire Hitchins 1:30 PMMain Stage
274How We (Attempt) to Eff the Ineffable: A Conversation on Preaching
Chris Davies, Leah Schade, Michael Waters [274]
PanelSat 3:00 PMLiving Room
277Trans Stories
Gwen Fry [277]
Gwen Fry 3:00 PMEpiscopal
267Beer & Hymns [267] & HymnsThu 11:00 PMMain Stage
257Conversation on Conversions
Stan Mitchell & Diana Butler Bass [257]
Stan Mitchell 3:00 PMLiving Room
79Owning Your Story, Impacting Others
Kevin Garcia [79]
Kevin Garcia 11:00 AMLanding
241The Shack and Story with Ken Medema Wm. Paul Young [241]William Paul Young
Sat 10:00 AMMain Stage
401Open Mic with Jeff Clark [401]Jeff Clark times
115Playing the Gospel
Annette Joseph [115]
Annette Joseph, Justice, LiturgicalSat 1:00 PMPortal
191Mindful Christianity: Practicing Mysticism
Jim Burklo [191]
Jim Burklo 3:00 PMWorkshop
408AcoustaGoose 1 [408]Brothers bear 11:00 PMCafŽ
435GooseHouse (House Band) [435]GooseHouse timesMain Stage
231Justice is Both Bigger and Smaller Than You Think
Eiro/Ben Garrett & Holly Duncan [231]
Eiro / Ben Garrett & Holly Duncan 5:00 PMLanding
407Silent Disco 3
DJ Ben Wright [407]
MusicSat 12:00 AMLecture Hall
392Wild Goose Story Slam
Rebecca Anderson [392]
Rebecca Anderson 4:00 PMStudio
158Christ on the Psych Ward
David Finnegan Hosey [158]
David Finnegan-Hosey 2:00 PMBridge
38Turning Dashed Dreams into Hope: How Infertility, Child Loss and Failed Adoptions Led to an Orphan Care Movement.
Elizabeth Hagan [38]
Elizabeth Hagan
Fri 12:00 PMRiver
34012 Steps Eucharist
Tommy Dillon [340]
Tommy Dillon 5:00 PMBridge
244Plotting Your Life Compass: Stop surviving - start THRIVING!
George Fuller & Aliene Defiglia [244]
George Fuller 2:00 PMRiver
30Renew Your Contemplative Heart of Compassion
Marshall Jenkins [30]
Marshall Jenkins
Sat 9:00 AMLibrary
305Throwing a Party with the Uninvited: How liturgy, worship, celebration and affirmation hold our community of rich and poor, young and old, black and white [305]Meridith Owensby 12:00 PMEpiscopal
345Just, Generous, & Rural: Creating Progressive Expressions of Faith in Small Towns
Cody Wagoner [345]
Cody Wagoner 5:00 PMWorkshop
144the Collection [144]the Collection 9:30 PMMain Stage
54Laughter for a Change!
Jane Voigts [54]
Jane Voigts 3:00 PMLanding
281Otis Moss III [281]Otis Moss III 4:00 PMLiving Room
385Thinking Beyond the Past and Future: The Methods of Jesus and the Buddha as a Catalyst for Healing the World
Bushi Yamato Damashii [385]
Bushi Yamato Damashii 1:00 PMPortal
249Vince Anderson [249]Vince Anderson 2:00 PMCafŽ
57Re-Segregation: Educational Injustice in a Post Affirmative Action America
Dr. Joseph W. Caldwell [57]
Dr. Joseph W. Caldwell, JusticeFri 9:00 AMPortal
215How to write your personal manifesto and why it matters, now more than ever
Lenora Rand [215]
Lenora Rand 10:00 AMWorkshop
14An exploration of common humanity through coming out stories
Tio Eshleman [14]
Tio Eshleman 10:00 AMRiver
103The Psychology of Separation
Tony Caldwell, LCSW [103]
Tony Caldwell, JusticeSat 1:00 PMLanding
161Singing Psalms for Sustenance
Charle Pettee/FolkPsalm [161]
Charles Pettee & FolkPsalm 11:00 AMCafŽ
216Theology Matters
Tripp Fuller [216]
Tripp Fuller 2:00 PMMain Stage
293Being Queer and/or Trans in a Scary World
Shannon TL Kearns and Brian G. Murphy [293]
Shannon TL Kearns & Brian G. Murphy, interactiveFri 12:30 PMYouth
146Poor Clare [146]Poor Clare 3:00 PMCafŽ
396Compline (Night Prayer, Episcopal Tent) [396]Justin Gabbard 9:00 PMEpiscopal
122Telling a love story in a culture of fear
Scott Hardin-Nieri [122]
Scott Hardin-Nieri, JusticeFri 9:00 AMWorkshop
136Ecstatic Presence!
Ruthanne Niehaus [136]
Ruthanne Niehaus storytelling meditationFri 1:00 PMBridge
319Redemptive Spiritual Community In Trump's America
John Pavlovitz [319]
John Pavlovitz
Fri 1:00 PMLiving Room
255How to talk to kids when you don't know what you believe
Anna Skates [255]
Anna Skates 1:00 PMLibrary
171Job the In-Patient: An Interfaithed Discussion on Depression, Faith, and the Meaning of Suffering
Charles Bretan [171]
Charles Bretan & Chris Henson 4:00 PMWorkshop
31The Story YouÕre Not Telling: How shame stories can hijack the narrative of our lives
Laura Parrot Perry [31]
Laura Parrott Perry, interactiveSat 3:00 PMPortal
455Tret Fure [455]Tret Fure 4:00 PMCafŽ
189Smiling Heart Yoga
Anita Grace Brown [189]
Anita Grace Brown 7:30 AMLanding
49Christo-Shamanic Transfiguration Ceremony
Pastor Nar / XianShaman (ChristianShaman) [49]
Narcizo Martinez, Healing, recoverySat 3:00 PMRiver
431Being a public theologian and activist as a pastor
Doug Pagitt [431]
Doug Pagitt 2:00 PMOpen
248Singing a new, more honest, just and generous church music for the progressive church
Brian Sirchio [248]
Convergence Music Project 12:00 PMLecture Hall
315Creating Brave Space: Engaging with Integrity & Grace
Micky ScottBey Jones [315]
Micky ScottBey Jones 2:00 PMLecture Hall
448Soul Repair: Moral Injury and its Theological implications
Harry Quiett/VOA [448]
Harry Quiett 12:00 PMLiving Room
410AcoustaGoose 3 [410] 12:00 AMCafŽ
50Christian Peaceable Arts
David Harold [50]
David Harold 10:00 AMLibrary
159Kyle Matthews [159]Kyle Matthews 2:00 PMCafŽ
320Avoiding Compassion Burnout
John Pavlovitz [320]
John Pavlovitz
Fri 9:00 AMLecture Hall
335Experiencing the Trinity: A Taste of ÔThe Divine DanceÕ
Mike Morrell [335]
Mike Morrell 4:00 PMLecture Hall
42Conservatives are from Mars and Progressives are from Venus: Finding Our Way in Another World
Jennifer Ould [42]
Jennifer Ould, , Story sharingSat 10:00 AMBridge
299Know Thy Selfie
Kevin Garcia [299]
Kevin Garcia, workshopSat 1:30 PMYouth
33912 steps - All Traditions Recovery Meetings
Toe P. [339]
Toe P. 8:00 AMBridge
331The Seventh Story
Brian McLaren & Gareth Higgins [331]
Brian McLaren 1:00 PMLecture Hall
265My Altar is the Baseball Diamond
Joy Wallis [265]
Joy Wallis 3:00 PMLecture Hall
86Dancing in Church? How to Incorporate Movement into Worship
Jennie Belle [86]
Jennie Belle 10:00 AMWorkshop
Tessi Muskrat Rickabaugh [428]
Tessi Muskrat Rickabaugh, experientialAll weekendBy the bridge
292"Be Seen! Explore what this means for you É. ÒFully known, fully accepted, fully lovedÓ. WeÕll read
stories, make art, even do some body painting. Come and Òbe seenÓ!"
Tio Eschelman [292]
Tio Eshleman 10:00 AMYouth
468T. Anthony Spearman [468] 11:00 AMWorkshop
15CADRE: Congregational Assets Deployed to Restore Equality
Jim Kucher [15]
Jim Kucher 4:00 PMRiver
278Memorial Service: Celebrating Trans Lives
Gwen Fry [278]
Gwen Fry 4:00 PMEpiscopal
250Songs of Holy Resistance
Bryan Johnson [250]
Bryan Johnson, InteractiveSat 1:00 PMLecture Hall
185Fish Breakfast: An Ignation meditation of John 21
John Prigmore [185]
John Prigmore, Spiritual practiceSUN 8:00 AMLanding
60Coming to terms with your own whiteness
Abby Norman, Morgan Guyton, Andi Cumbo-Floyd, Nicole Morgan [60]
Abby Norman, JusticeFri 11:00 AMLibrary
34Using Prayer Beads to Speak Your Truth, Heal Your Spirit, and Experience God's Peace
Kristen Vincent [34]
Kristen Vincent
Sat 2:00 PMLanding
482Alexa Rose [482] 10:00 AMCafŽ
124Uprising Theatre Company Presents: Stories To Change The World: Theatre and Storytelling for Justice Work
Hovell & Kearns [124]
Uprising Theater Company, interactiveSat 3:00 PMStudio
133Fooling With Scripture
David & Leigh Finnegan-Hosey [133]
David Finnegan-Hosey 9:00 AMGooseCast
390Integrity USA
Bruce Garner [390]
Bruce Garner 2:00 PMEpiscopal
80Reimagining Church: Economic/Entrepreneurial Possibility
Anna Golladay [80]
Anna Golladay
Fri 12:00 PMWorkshop
223Justice Camp (Pre Festival Event) [223] all day
347A Faithful Response to Domestic Violence
Blyth Barrow [347]
Blyth Barrow WorkshopFri 10:00 AMBridge
105Restorative Practices: Loving the ÒOtherÓ
Mike Phillips [105]
Mike Phillips
Sat 1:00 PMRiver
258A Conversation with
Stan Mitchell & Mitchell Gold [258]
Stan Mitchell, Mitchell Gold 3:00 PMOpen
83City Love: Urban Spirituality on Two Wheels
Laura Everett [83]
Laura Everett conversationSat 2:00 PMOpen
475Songwriter Sampler - Terry Gonda with Tret Fure, Namoli Brennet, and Sherry Cothran [475] 6:25 PMMain Stage
203Queer the Church
Chris Davies [203]
Chris Davies 10:00 AMLecture Hall
91Forgiveness Garden: Workiing with unresolved grief
Lyndon Harris & Sheridan Hill [91]
Lyndon Harris, Community buildingFri 11:00 AMRiver
349Transgender 201: Beyond the Binary
Phiwa Langeni
Phiwa Langeni
Fri 4:00 PMLibrary
195Stakes is High
Michael Waters [195]
Michael Waters 5:00 PMOpen
47An Awesone Story of Open Adoption
Gina Gass [47]
Gina Gass
Sat 11:00 AMEpiscopal
154Eine Blume [154]Eine Blume 5:00 PMCafŽ
26A Jew and a Gentile Walk Into a Bar ... Mitzvah
Charles Bretan & Chris Henson [26]
Charles Bretan & Chris Henson 4:00 PMGooseCast
112This Is My Body, Written By You
Ben Brazil [112]
Ben Brazil 4:00 PMBridge
330Seminary Happy Hour
Tripp Fuller [330]
Tripp Fuller 5:00 PMLibrary
151Brother's Bear [151]Brother's Bear 6:00 PMMain Stage
60Coming to terms with your own whiteness
Abby Norman, Morgan Guyton, Andi Cumbo-Floyd, Nicole Morgan [60]
Andi Cumbo-Floyd 11:00 AMLibrary
23Seeing and Living the Interconnected Life
Brandon McKoy [23]
Brandon K. McKoy, ConversationalSat 1:00 PMBridge
43God is Not an Asshole (and Other Things I Wish My Church Had Told Me)
Micah J. Murray [43]
Micah Murray conversationSat 5:00 PMLanding
296Sexual Assault: How Do We Heal? How Do We Support? (A Youth-Only Forum)
Taleese Morrill, Laura Perry, JP Morrill, and Katie Mulligan [296]
Taleese Morrill, YouthFri 5:00 PMYouth
405Terry Gonda and idk [405]Terry Gonda 5:30 PMMain Stage
391Namoli Brennet [391]Namoli Brennet 7:30 PMSide Stage
4548:45 AM
Waking the Goose with Ken Medema and Shaun Whitehead [454]
Shaun Whitehead and Ken Medema spectacleSUN 8:00 AMMain Stage
123Faith communities at the heart of the environmental movement.
Scott Hardin-Nieri [123]
Scott Hardin-Nieri, JusticeFri 4:00 PMRiver
48For SabbathÕs Sake: Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community
Rev. J. Dana Trent [48]
Rev. J. Dana Trent
Sat 1:00 PMLibrary
172Crackers and Grape Juice Podcast
Morgan Guyton, Jason Micheli [172]
Jason Micheli 10:30 AMGooseCast
121Redeemed: How My Momma, My Wife & A Little Muslim Boy Saved Me From Racism
Jeffrey Burns [121]
Jeffrey Burns, JusticeFri 9:00 AMBridge
358Tick, Talk, Take
Doug Pagitt [358]
Tick, Talk, Take 4:30 PMGooseCast
Linda Flynn and Brian McLaren [25]
Linda Flynn, Experiential contemplationFri 11:00 AMLecture Hall
17Postcards from the Great Spiritual Migration
Matt Huett, Bec Cranford [17]
Matthew Huett
Sat 9:00 AMLecture Hall
409AcoustaGoose 2 [409] 12:00 AMCafŽ
444The Tantra of Jesus Christ
George Craig McMillan [444]
George Craig McMillan 10:00 AMEpiscopal
420Room to Be: Making Space for Growth in Conservative Settings
Bryan & Christy Berghoef [420]
Bryan & Christy Berghoef 11:00 AMOpen
476Goose In The Round
hosted by Terry Gonda and Kirsti Reeve with Molly Stevens, Sherry Cothran, and Poor Clare [476] 12:00 PMMain Stage
222When God Made You (Book Reading)
Matthew Paul Turner [222]
Matthew Paul Turner readingFri 3:30 PMKids
147Nathan Evans Fox [147]Nathan Evans Fox 4:00 PMCafŽ
8Devils, Monsters, and Madness: A Theological Roundtable
Mary Button, Robert Saler, and David Finnegan-Hosey [8]
David Finnegan-Hosey Installation, DiscussionFri 1:00 PMStudio
109Praying with Mandalas: Contemplative Coloring in the Belly of the Whale
Sharon Seyfarth Garner [109]
Sharon Seyfarth Garner, ContemplationFri 1:00 PMRiver
126Sprit and Discernment: Quaker Spirituality
Michael Birkel [126]
Michael Birkel, LiturgicalFri 9:00 AMLibrary
459Kyle Matthews [459]Kyle Matthews 6:30 PMSide Stage
423The Togetherings Guild [423]Gary Rand
88Contemplative Franciscan journey: What God is communicating in the Christ event and the ongoing work of the Spirit today
Mark Gregory [88]
Mark Gregory D'Alessio, JusticeFri 3:00 PMLibrary
316Art as Resistance
Julian DeShazier, Shawna Bowman, Nannette Banks [316]
Nannette Banks 12:00 PMStudio
458Podcasters' Roundtable [458]Russ Jennings 11:30 AMGooseCast
457Lobo Marino [457]Lobo Marino 1:00 PMCafŽ
285Pulpit Fiction
Robb McCoy & Eric Fistler [285]
Pulpit Fiction 10:00 AMGooseCast
284Love in a Dangerous Time
Russ Jennings & Kristen Leigh [284]
Russ Jennings 2:30 PMGooseCast
307Big Ray and Chicago's Most Wanted with Special Guest Melissa Greene [307]Big Ray & Chicago's Most Wanted 9:00 PMMain Stage
55Nobody Cries When We Die: God, Community and Surviving to Adulthood
Patrick Reyes [55]
Patrick Reyes, InteractiveSat 12:00 PMRiver
416Being the Purple Church
Hannah Atkins, Tommy Dillon [416]
Hannah Atkins
Trinity Episcopal Church, Houston 2:00 PMEpiscopal
397Compline (Night Prayer, Episcopal Tent) [397] 9:00 PMEpiscopal
204Four Ways to Be Church in the Trump Years
Brian McLaren [204]
Brian McLaren 10:00 AMMain Stage
187Enneagram Convergence
Paul Rack [187]
Paul Rack, SpiritualityFri 12:00 PMPortal
287Nonviolence Radio
Michael Nagler [287]
Nonviolence Radio 1:00 PMGooseCast
117Sharing stories of disability, brokenness, and liberation
Cynthia Bauer, Kupenda for the Children [117]
Cynthia Bauer ConversationFri 12:00 PMBridge
309Sarah Potenza [309]Sarah Potenza 8:00 PMMain Stage
164I,Star, Silvermoon Chocolate
Timothy Linenheld [164]
I,Star, Silvermoon Chocolate 7:00 PMMain Stage
196Finding a Spiritual Practice for the End of the World
Russell Rathburn [196]
Russell Rathburn 5:00 PMOpen
400How to do Beer & Hymns
Nathan Baker-Lutz [400]
Nathan Baker-Lutz & HymnsSat 12:00 PMEpiscopal
58Faith in Action: Spiritual Activism for Justice in Palestine-Israel
Alexa Klein-Mayer [58]
Alexa Klein-Mayer, JusticeSat 9:00 AMLanding
85The imperatives and practices of faith-based community organizing
Tim Conder & Dan Rhodes [85]
Tim Conder 10:00 AMPortal
434The Trinity UCC Gospel Choir directed by Bryan Johnson [434]The Trinity UCC Gospel Choir directed by Bryan Johnson, WorshipVarious timesMain Stage
272Godly Play
Nancy St. John, Sally Thomas, Emily GriffIn [272] 12:00 PMWorkshop
188Post-Cynical Bible Study: the promise of Integral Theology
Doug King [188]
Doug King 12:00 PMPortal
165Jesus Rave
Morgan Guyton [165]
Morgan Guyton 11:00 PMCafŽ
245Me and Molly
Molly Stevens [245]
Me and Molly 7:30 PMSide Stage
87From Father God to Mother Earth: The Quest for Interracial Justice
David Hansen [87]
David Hansen 3:00 PMPortal
180Poetry Writing Workshop
Emily Francis [180] 3:00 PMWorkshop
169Poetry Open Mic
Emily Joy [169]
Emily Joy Allison-Hearn reading, open micFri 3:00 PMRiver
382Sunday Mass [382]Neil Pezzulo MassSun 9:00 AMPortal
96Leading From The Margins: Crazy, misfit, rebel, heretic, apostate, troublemaker
Susan Cottrell [96]
Susan Cottrell, JusticeSat 11:00 AMLecture Hall
306Building More Authentic Relationships Across Boundaries of Race, Age, and Gender
Bart Campolo [306]
Bart Campolo
Fri 5:00 PMWorkshop
273Metaphors for Preachers
Shawna Bowman [273]
Shawna Bowman 3:00 PMStudio
40The Anatomy of Disaster: Learning Spiritual Resilience from the Prophets
Marita Anderson [40]
Marita Anderson
Fri 9:00 AMLanding
346God's Stories of Love and Justice
Claire Brown & Brittany Sky [346]
Brittany Sky Spectacle, StorytellingSat 4:00 PMBridge
355Goose In The Round
Terry Gonda & Kirsti Reeve [355]
Terry Gonda 12:00 PMMain Stage
61Public schools: An institution worth fighting for
Tuf Francis [61]
Tuf Francis
Sat 9:00 AMWorkshop
181Spoken into Being: Divine Encounters through Story
Michael Williams [181]
Michael Williams, storytellingFri 1:00 PMWorkshop
303So you want to write a book - Tips from an acquisitions editor
Lil Copan [303]
Lil Copan 10:00 AMOpen
270Beer & Hymns [270] & HymnsSat 5:00 PMEpiscopal
254Starting from Scratch: Writing Curriculum for Progressive Kids
Anna Skates [254]
Anna Skates 12:00 PMOpen
295Jesus Rave
Morgan Guyton [295]
Morgan Guyton, InteractiveFri 6:00 PMYouth
95Art as Protest
Katie Jo Suddaby [95]
Katie Jo Suddaby
Sat 1:00 PMStudio
351Brew Theology
Ryan Miller & Janel Apps Ramsey [351]
Ryan Miller 5:30 PMGooseCast
116(Trans)gender, Spirituality and Music: A Conversation with Namoli Brennet [116]Namoli Brennet 12:00 PMCafŽ
398Compline (Night Prayer, Episcopal Tent) [398] 9:00 PMEpiscopal
139Andrew Nelson [139]Andrew Nelson 1:00 PMCafŽ
157Trybal Revival; Beth Patterson, Tomme Maile, Kristi Montgomery, Leslie Michele Moore, Nathan Moore [157]Trybal Revival 12:00 AMSide Stage
427Donor Reception with Jeff Clark, Vanna Fox and Ken Medema [427]Vanna Fox 5:00 PMCafŽ
130Ancient and Emerging Practices of the early Christian tradition
Eric C. Smith [130]
Eric C. Smith, liturgicalSat 5:00 PMPortal
149Silent Disco 1
DJ Ben Wright [149]
DJ Ben Wright
313John Mark McMillan [313]John Mark McMillan 9:30 PMMain Stage
268Beer & Hymns [268] & HymnsFri 11:00 PMMain Stage
224Wisdom Camp (Pre Festival Event) [224] all day
1Paint Your Story: True Nature and Purpose
Stephanie Hester [1]
Stephanie Hester InstallationSat 10:00 AMStudio
32Holy Listening with Breath, Body, and the Spirit: Through prayer, yoga, and aromatherapy
Whitney Simpson [32]
Whitney Simpson, healing/recoverySat 12:00 PMLanding
110Discerning BonhoefferÕs Call to Discipleship with Incarcerated Women
Jennifer McBride [110]
Jennifer McBride, Nannette Banks 4:00 PMWorkshop
99Asking Questions That Liberate Us
Rev. Kimberly Braun [99]
Kimberly Braun, Community buildingFri 3:00 PMBridge
219Carlos Rodriguez / Happy Sonship [219]Happy Sonship, Community BuildingFri 5:00 PMLecture Hall
190Beauty in the Common : A collaborative experiment to better see the Divine amidst the ordinary
Ian Simkins [190]
Ian Simkins
Fri 4:00 PMPortal
456Illiterate Light [456]Illiterate Light 12:00 PMCafŽ
68Truth telling: Creating a space for grief and community centered lament
Jessica Knippel & Friends [68]
Jessi Knippel and friends 11:00 AMRiver
22Living the Desanka Way Everyday
Jordan Bowman [22]
Jordan Bowman, Community BuildingSat 5:00 PMRiver
327Michael Waters, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Doug Pagitt - A Round Table Conversation [327]Doug Pagitt 11:00 AMMain Stage
28Mysticism: The Divine Romance
Victoria Lantz [28]
Victoria Lantz, healing/recoverySat 3:00 PMLibrary
9Tattoo Display
Anna Golladay [9]
Anna Golladay Installation, Interactive SpectacleAll WeekendFaithmarks Tent
114Sustainability in Scripture
Bill Guerrant [114]
Bill Guerrant, JusticeFri 11:00 AMLanding
332Spiritual Direction [332]Spiritual Direction Team directionAll WeekendSpiritual Direction
211A Time to Go Deeper
Jim Wallis [211]
Jim Wallis 10:00 AMMain Stage
90Jesus, Justice, and Spirituality Outside Organized Religion
Michael Camp [90]
Michael Camp
Fri 2:00 PMPortal
218Positively relating to loved ones who think and believe differently
Bart Campolo & Brian McLaren [218]
Bart Campolo 12:00 PMLiving Room
217Homebrewed CultureCast
Christian Piatt [217]
Homebrewed CultureCast 2:00 PMMain Stage
304Planting Churches the OPEN Way [304]Paula Stone Williams 3:00 PMOpen
380Lyric [380]Lyric 7:00 PMMain Stage
312Jennifer Knapp [312]Jennifer Knapp 8:00 PMMain Stage
314I know cultural repentance can work. My parents repented, in other words, changed course. So did I. So can you
Frank Schaeffer [314]
Frank Schaeffer 10:00 AMLiving Room
102Serving Life: ReVisioning Justice
Lynden Harris [102]
Lynden Harris, Interactive, JusticeSat 9:00 AMLiving Room
Brew Theology Podcast
Janel Apps Ramsey & Ryan Miller [174]
Brew Theology 4:00 PMLibrary
33812 steps - All Traditions Recovery Meetings
Toe P. [338]
Toe P. 5:00 PMBridge
33Lost Dreams and New Storylines: An Exercise in Hope
Marshall Jenkins [33]
Marshall Jenkins
Sat 11:00 AMPortal
143Jams and Juice
Tuf Francis [143]
Tuf Francis, Interactive SingalongSat 3:30 PMKids
177Christians, Ketchup, and China: An identity trip
Steve Ray [177]
The Farming God podcast team 1:00 PMWorkshop
140Tret Fure in Concert [140]Tret Fure 9:00 PMSide Stage
321Responses | Ken Medema [321]Ken Medema Stage
415Stories from the Episcopal Service Corps
Becky Johnston [415]
Becky Johnston 1:00 PMEpiscopal
73Tenx9 Story Event
Michael McRay [73]
Tenx9 Nashville Storytelling 4:00 PMStudio
75Millennials and the Church in the Age of Trump: Randy Reed, Mattan Ervin, Jenny Buchanan, Alaina Doyle [75]Randy Reed, JusticeSat 11:00 AMLibrary
291Breaking Open the God-Box: Guided Meditation for Expanding Your Experience of the Divine
Leah Schade [291]
Eco-Preacher 11:30 AMYouth
98Privilege, Power, Racism and Other Biases - Awareness & Action Steps
Scott Bass [98]
Scott Bass, JusticeFri 11:00 AMBridge
208A manifesto of creative redemption in the age of Trump, fascism and lies
Frank Schaeffer
with Ken Medema [208]
Frank Schaeffer 9:00 AMMain Stage
406Silent Disco 2
DJ Ben Wright [406] 11:00 PMLecture Hall
450A Wild and Holy Rite of Resistance [450]Gary Rand, InteractiveFri 11:00 PMCafŽ
82jusTalk: Life at the Intersections
Rev. Denise Donnell [82]
Denise Donnell
Fri 9:00 AMRiver
283How to Heal from and Support Those Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted (An All Ages Forum)
Taleese Morrill, Laura Perry [283]
Taleese Morrill 4:00 PMLanding
220Christ and Empire 2.0
Joerg Rieger [220]
Joerg Rieger 2:00 PMLiving Room
316Art as Resistance
Julian DeShazier, Shawna Bowman, Nannette Banks [316]
Julian DeShazier 12:00 PMStudio
134Sanctuary as Sacred Act
Elizabeth Welliver, Jennie Bell [134]
Jennie Belle 12:00 PMLibrary
59The intersection of faith and racial justice
Jacqui Buschor [59]
Jacqui Buschor, JusticeFri 10:00 AMPortal
271Godly Play
Nancy St. John, Sally Thomas, Emily GriffIn [271]
Nancy St. John 12:00 PMLibrary
21What Can Christians Learn from the Spiritual But Not Religious?
Mike Clawson [21]
Mike Clawson WorkshopFri 2:00 PMBridge
238Lessons from Elsewhere
Gareth Higgins [238]
Gareth Higgins 10:00 AMLecture Hall
441Howard Thurman and the Mystical Heart of Nonviolence
Lerita Coleman Brown [441]
Lerita Coleman Brown 11:00 AMLiving Room
51Inefficiency Podcast
Matt Inman [51]
Matt Inman 12:00 PMGooseCast
443The Spiritual Parenting Revolution
Lynyetta Willis [443]
Lynyetta Willis 11:00 AMBridge
118Hundreds of Ways to Kneel & Kiss the Ground: Original Songs Interpreted from World Wisdom Traditions & Interactive Storytelling
Rev. Sherry Cothran [118]
Rev. Sherry Cothran, InteractiveSat 9:00 PMSide Stage
205Fighting City Hall
Gwen Fry [205]
Gwen Fry 10:00 AMLibrary
260What to do when a new dream for how to live as a person of faith grows in you
Melissa Greene & Panel
Melissa Greene 12:00 PMOpen
389Kate Hurley [389]Kate Hurley 10:00 AMCafŽ
290Podcast and Video Storytelling Workshop: Your digital art journey
Steve Ray [290]
Steve Ray 1:30 PMYouth
221How to Run for Public Office
Joe McLean [221]
Joe McLean, InteractiveFri 12:00 PMLecture Hall
419The Christian of the Future Will Be a Mystic (or Will Not Exist)
Carl McColman [419]
Carl McColman 5:00 PMLiving Room
282Confessions of an Ingrate: Finding Gratitude in the Age of Trump
Diana Butler-Bass with Ken Medema [282]
Diana Butler-Bass 11:00 AMMain Stage
259The Value of Burning Bridges
Melissa Greene
Melissa Greene 2:00 PMWorkshop
393Storytelling Workshop
Rebecca Anderson [393]
Rebecca Anderson WorkshopFri 10:00 AMStudio
436Sending the Goose with Sister Simone, Trinity Choir, Community Parade, Jeff Clark, and more [436]Jeff Clark spectacleSun 11:00 AMMain Stage
262LeadNOW (Pre Festival Event) [262] all day
160Reflective Practice: songs, grief, & belonging
Sarah Tullock [160]
Sarah Tullock 11:00 AMCafŽ
399PotLuck Dinner [399]Justin Gabbard 6:00 PMEpiscopal
163TaizŽ Vesper Service [163]Leslie Withers 5:00 PMLibrary
192Feminine Registers: Moving beyond stereotypical claims about gender to discover the interpretive dynamics operating in a sermon when a woman preaches.
Jennifer Copeland [192]
Jennifer Copeland 2:00 PMLibrary
64Rahab's Red Thread: Fibers and Fiber Arts in the Bible
Sally Kirkpatrick [64]
Sally Kirkpatrick, WorkshopSat 12:00 PMStudio
302Digging Deep with DJ Ben Wright [302]DJ Ben Wright 6:30 PMYouth
66Native Language: Speaking Poetry Together
Amy Vaughan [66]
Amy Vaughan, interactiveFri 11:00 AMPortal
131The Daily Office: Ancient Spiritual Practice that Heals the World
John Hamilton [131]
John Hamilton
Fri 1:00 PMEpiscopal
442Remembering the Queer Divine
Rod Owens [442]
Rod Owens 10:00 AMLiving Room
318Just, Generous, & Rural: Creating Progressive Expressions of Faith in Small Towns
Joshua Adam Scott [318]
Joshua Adam Scott 4:00 PMOpen
403Beer & Hymns [403] & HymnsFri 5:00 PMEpiscopal
357Session Title: ÒDo I really belong in your church?Ó A gay manÕs journey to find a loving faith community and lessons learned along the way. [357]Darren Calhoun 2:00 PMRiver
137Holy Spirits: A Faith Shaken and Stirred
Tom Chappell Lewis [137]
The Bar Chaplain Spectacle with cocktailsFri 1:00 PMLanding
12"This Is an Inappropriate Conversation": A Participatory Discussion on Justice vs. Reconciliation
Michael McRay [12]
Michael T. McRay Installation, StorytellingSat 11:00 AMWorkshop
212Resilient Activism: Showing up Without Burning Out
Micky ScottBey Jones [212]
Micky ScottBey Jones 4:00 PMLiving Room
336How to get the most out of your Wild Goose Experience
Joy Wallis [336]
Joy Wallis 5:00 PMLiving Room
33712 Steps Eucharist
Tommy Dillon [337]
Tommy Dillon 8:00 AMBridge
381The Many [381]Gary Rand
402People of Color Gathering Space
Darren Calhoun, Robyn Henderson-Espinoza [402]
People of Color BuildingFri 5:00 PMPortal
74Creating a Culture of Peace
Daniel Petersen-Snyder [74]
Daniel Petersen-Snyder, JusticeSat 4:00 PMPortal
264From the Inside Looking Out: Governing with an Activist Heart [264]Peggy Flanagan 2:00 PMLecture Hall
297Yoga for Youth
Anita Brown [297]
Anita Grace Brown 9:00 AMYouth
18The Parable of the Lego Brick: Creating New Communities of Faith Through Imagination
Luke, Laine, Annabel, and Oliver Lingle [18]
Luke, Laine, Annabel,
and Oliver Lingle, Community BuildingSat 12:00 PMBridge
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