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Soong-Chan Rah
Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah is Milton B. Engebretson Professor of Church Growth and Evangelism at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, IL. He is the author of The Next Evangelicalism (IVP Books, 2008), Many Colors (Moody, 2010), co-author of Forgive Us (Zondervan, 2014), Prophetic Lament (IVP Books, 2015), co-author of Return to Justice (Brazos, 2016), and co-author of Truth be Told (IVP Books, expected 2017).

The Necessity of Lament in Troubled Times
The absence of lament in the liturgical and teaching life of the church represents a profound theological deficiency. An unfettered exceptionalism and triumphalism reflected in American Christianity prevents a holistic engagement with Biblical social justice. The lost discipline of lament can provide a necessary corrective to a church that seeks to embody

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