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Rachael Anne Clinton
Rachael Anne Clinton is a pastor, theologian, and therapeutic practitioner. She is a Master of Divinity graduate of The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology and was privileged to collaborate with Dr. Dan Allender as a research assistant on his book Sabbath, part of the “Ancient Practices” series edited by Phyllis Tickle. Rachael’s work with The Allender Center involves training therapists, pastors, leaders, and lay counselors to work thoughtfully, compassionately, and powerfully with survivors of trauma and abuse. Her teaching and research are centered on the impact of trauma and abuse with regard to spiritual formation and biblical imagination. She has a deep conviction that our stories shape the way in which we experience and participate in God’s unfolding story. While offering both sanctuary and call to action, Rachael engages the elements of our stories that distort and disorder as well as reveal and illuminate God’s story and our place within it. She hopes to equip others to do the same in ways that are closer to the healing and holistic gospel intrinsic to our faith.

The Power of Story: Untangling the narrative of your life
Stories have tremendous power to shape our identity and the ways in which we understand and relate to self, God, and others both for good and for harm. What story are you living out of? Do you participate in narrating your story or does it narrate you? What do we do with the heartache, loss, disappointment, betrayal and the traumas that shape us? We have deep convictions that engaging our stories with courage, compassion and curiosity can lead to tremendous healing and deeper freedom from shame, fragmentation and isolation.

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