Matthew Morris
Matt came to the Goose in 2015 wearing his “performer” hat and rainbow overalls, and he left feeling completely revitalized in his faith, renewed in his sense of purpose, and strengthened in his convictions about the role artistic expression can and must play in the collective movement toward justice and liberation from systems of oppression. Whether at a performance on the main stage, in a workshop with other justice leaders in the Troubling the Gospel tent, or beside any number of the many talented Goose musicians at a scheduled or impromptu liturgy, you will find Matt (or ‘Matthew David’, as he’s called in his Portland, Oregon church) ready to fully share his talents and gifts with the community.
Troubling the Gospel: Seeking Critical Hope, Critical Love
Troubling the Gospel is an exercise of critical reflection. When we examine the Gospel, we cannot help but examine ourselves, and what the Gospel means to us in a modern world. To trouble the Gospel is to complicate it, to illuminate it, and to free it from traditional meanings that may or may not have resonance in our lives. In this presentation, Sean Michael Morris — a critical pedagogue, teacher, and contemplative — and Matthew Morris will lead an introductory investigation of what it means to approach the Gospel from a perspective informed by our lives and inflected by our times.