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Matt Addis
Matt Addis, an Episcopal layperson, is Head Brewer and Founder of Habitat Brewing Co. Matt earned an M.Div from George Fox Seminary and grounded his theological work in ecological and indigenous theologies. Matt shares life in community along with his spouse Jen and his daughter Luci in Asheville, NC.

The New Abbey Movement and the Story of Habitat Tavern and Commons
Abbeys’, Commons’, and Collectives’ are giving birth to new ways of being and living in the world. By creating spaces for creative social, philosophical and theological exploration, these new third places are undoing the story of late capitalism defined by overconsumption, irresponsible stewardship of resources, and collective narcissistic colonialism. Habitat Tavern and Commons in Asheville, NC is a new expression of one of these spaces. Matt Addis and the Rev. Jonathan Myers will share the story of Habitat and host a conversation on what it means to create a space for writing the story of the common good and the role of localized ‘mainline’ churches in such work, especially where religious liturgy, mission, and stewardship only seem to reinforce the late capitalist ideology. Matt, an Episcopal layperson, is Head Brewer and instigator behind Habitat Brewing Co. Jonathan, Episcopal priest, is the Commons Curator at Habitat and assistant brewer.

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