Jonathan Benz
Jonathan Benz, MS is a clinician, author, public speaker and ordained minister. He has served as a leadership consultant to various agencies in the U.S. and U.K. and has carried his message of strategic, spiritual living to 40 countries. Jonathan is a Certified Addictions Professional with a Master of Science in Counseling Psychology. He is also a Certified Daring™ Way Facilitator through Brené Brown. He is the author of Live A Legacy: Spiritual Principles for Strategic Living, and The Recovery-Minded Church: Loving and Ministering to People with Addiction published by Inter-Varsity Press.
The Recovery-Minded Church
Recovery-minded or recovery-resistant? Often churches shame and stigmatize people with addiction instead of welcoming them with open arms and unconditional acceptance. Here you will discover a clinical, theological, and spiritual framework to love the addicts in your community, congregation, and life. Helping human beings connect with love itself is not just central to cultivating long-term sobriety among people with addiction but essential to helping every person in your spiritual community become more fully human and more fully alive.