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Joyful Soul of Grief: a 2-hour Community-Supported Ritual

Fri 5 PM | Bridge

Joyful Soul of Grief Community Ritual

We draw support from song, toning, creative discussion, the presence of minerals, gems and stones, and group ritual to witness what grief is and how it moves in us. In the spirit of Francis Weller’s work, we acknowledge that, “There is some strange intimacy between grief and aliveness, some sacred exchange between what seems unbearable and what is most exquisitely alive.” Grieving is personal soul work for the sake of the world. We were not meant to grieve alone in our little cubicles; coursing in our veins is an ancient connection to tribal wisdom, and this is the medicine needed today to bring healing at individual and group levels. Includes an exercise in forgiveness as part of the grief process.


Sheridan Hill

My career as a biographer has taught me that life is a series of stories that you tell yourself; the mistake we make is believing our stories of victimization and repeating them in our heads, ensuring that we will continue to react instead of respond to each moment. Reactions rush forth out of past pain and are full of self-justification (the moral high horse); responses arise from an inner capacity to be-with-what-is (breathing into the vulnerability that love calls us to). I call myself a grief doula, as I help folks release grief and let vitality in. I’m honored to work with forgiveness activist Lyndon Harris. I believe in the healing power of rituals as simple as lighting a candle with an intention, both as private actions and as moments of community-building and group witnessing.

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Lyndon Harris

Lyndon Harris is the Co-director of Tigg’s Pond Retreat Center in Zirconia, NC, where he is developing a Journey to Forgiveness Institute. Harris is also a forgiveness coach, and an inspirational and motivational speaker, having spoken at numerous conferences across the United States and around the world. He served more than 20 years as a pastor and his work at Ground Zero as priest-in-charge of Saint Paul’s Chapel (located directly across from the World Trade Center in New York City) has been written about widely, including the NY Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Christian Science Monitor. His work in forgiveness is featured in the award winning documentary, “The Power of Forgiveness” (Journey Films 2006). Harris is also the Executive Director of the Gardens of Forgiveness, an educational non-profit dedicated to teaching the way of forgiveness as tool for conflict transformation and peace making.

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Session #58

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