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Identity and Power: How to Use White Privilege for Good

Fri 4 PM | Studio

Crystal Byrd Farmer

We are all created in God’s image, but we have the tendency to self-segregate by race. How can we achieve social justice if we have not come to terms with the power and privilege we already have? This workshop will focus mainly on racial identity but will include a discussion of intersectionality with gender, orientation, and class identity.

Crystal Farmer

Crystal Byrd Farmer is an engineer turned educator. She is the organizer of New Culture Charlotte, owner of Big Sister Team Building, and editor of the Black & Poly online magazine. She is also writing a book and blogging about the history of her historically black neighborhood in Gastonia, NC. Her passion is encouraging people to change their perspectives on diversity and relationships. She identifies as black, bisexual, disabled, female, and neurodiverse.

256 Identity and Power

Session #256

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