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A World Without Walls/ Un Mundo Sin Muros

Fri 1 PM | River

Congregants at Calvary Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.

After the year we’ve endured together, we wanted to offer some of the stories we’ve been sharing together at Calvary, stories of faithful Christians who have had to stomach talk of walls, who have awaited outcomes on DACA and TPS, and who have heard the person with the highest office in this country call them criminals. This summer during one of our worship series, we spent several months making a pretty simple claim together: that all of Scripture is one big story about immigration, displacement, and return. We wanted to share how our life together helps us imagine “Un Mundo Sin Muros/ A World Without Walls.”

Calvary Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Church strives to be an ecumenical, multiracial, and multiethnic community of faith. This is not an abstract commitment for us: about third of our worshipping congregation is Spanish-speaking, many originally from El Salvador. For several years, a number of these congregants have been attending the WGF, engaging even as language provides a certain barrier to full engagement.

174 A World Without Walls/ Un Mundo Sin Muros

Session #174

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