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  • Pop-Up People’s Supper – Bridging & Healing in an age of Loneliness

    Micky ScottBey Jones – The Justice Doula

    Sat 5 PM | Living Room

    You are invited to a BYOS* workshop that is part “pop up” People’s Supper with storytelling connection and part training so you can go home and host your own! What has Micky and her team learned from supporting over 1,000 suppers and over 4,000 people (including folks like the Obamas, Prince Harry and everyday people in their kitchens) in sitting down to bridge and heal over a meal? We’ve learned a lot about storytelling, empathy and connection and now Wild Goosers can take this tool back to their communities! *Bring Your Own Supper – yes, feel free to bring food and drink to enjoy during the workshop!

    Micky ScottBey Jones

    Micky ScottBey Jones, the Justice Doula, is a mama-activist-contemplative-healer-holy-disrupter who believes in throwing parties as a key revolutionary strategy. She loves bringing people together to explore brave space, awaken empathy and fight oppression. Micky is the Director of Healing Justice with Faith Matters Network and is a core team member with The People’s Supper who has gathered more than 4,000 people around tables since the 2016 election for bridging and healing conversations.

    168 Pop-Up People’s Supper
    354 Micky ScottBey Jones & Panel
    391 A Conversation with Micky ScottBey Jones
    404 Voices in the Divide

    Session #168

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